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 Post subject: Mitrill, help us....
PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 6:38 pm 
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 YIM  Profile

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Have noticed how no one here is talking about books at all.... You guys do read occasionally? Maybe when your console games or PC overheat, and you have to leave them off to cool down?

Personally my current favorite author is George R.R. Martin. Other authors I like are Terry Pratchet, Robert Jordan, Tad Williams, Roger Zelazny, Raymond Feist, Terry Goodkind, Roger Silverberg, Fredrick Saberhagen, Paul Anderson, Issac Asimov, ect...

A Song of Fire and Ice, The Book of Swords/The Book of Lost Swords, Otherland, Memory Sorrow & Thorn, Chronicles of Amber, Darktower, Wheel of Time, Riftwar Saga, High Crusade, and Discworld are some of the best series I have read.

In Song of Fire and Ice, George R.R. Martain tells a story where the main character doesn't generally live for more then a half a book. Magic is sparce, and plot is realistic. You see the world from the eyes of the good and the bad guys.

In High Crusade, Paul Anderson tells the story of a small English army led by a Baron. Just before they are ready to leave on crusade, a large alien space ship touches down. They kill everyone onboard except for one alien, who betrays them and sets the ship's autopilot for the nearest outpost of his home world. However, the whole army and all their women, children, cattle and peasents are onboard already. With no corridinates of Earth, they are lost in space fighting an evil empire that has forgotten the use of hand-to-hand weaponry, and the usefulness of shocktroppers and boarding ships.

In Book of Lost Swords, The seven great swords of power are scattered to the wind. The swords, forged by the gods as part of a game each have a specific power. Healer, heals wounds with a touch and can not kill. Farslayer leave the hand of the weilder to strike down his worst enemy though he be miles away (but then stays in the corpse), Shield Breaker can carve through stone with but a touch. Dragon Slayer welll, you know... Sword of Despair creates such despair of heart whole armies (both sides) just lay down and die. Mindsword charms the hearts of men making them faithful survents...... ect..... The swords change hands frequently in various adventures.

~Vogar Eol, Beater of Blades
Thane Ezbad,
The Circle of Steel


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PostPosted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 11:55 am 
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I read quite a bit as well. Im reading a bit of Anne Rice (very good author as far as im concerned) atm and Moby ****, but I usually read fantasy. Favorite authors: also George RR Martin, Robert Jordan, Terry Goodkind, Raymond E. Feist (i bought Talon of the Silver Hawk, but im starting to wish his books were longer and more in depth. Favorites: Magician books, Daughter/Servant/Mistress of the Empire, and the one where they go to Novindus), Terry Brooks (same deal with the shortness/depth), Katherine Kerr (also wish they were longer. deals with Celtic fantasy theme, but includes elves and dragons and stuff, recurring theme is reincarnation/karma but the stories are pretty diverse), Melanie Rawn (particularly the Dragon Prince and Dragon Star series), John Marco, Kate Elliot, Tad Williams (only Otherland and Memory, Sorrow, Thorn- not the rest of his fantasy cuz i dont really believe in earth-based fantasy if u get what i mean), L.E. Modesitt (who doesnt use good/bad but order/chaos, quite interesting but sometimes his dialogues and woman/man relationships get tedious as hell), Weis/Hickman- Death Gate Cycle, Jennifer Roberson (once again man/female relationships get tedious cuz theres this whole theme bout sexism, one series deals with shapeshifters and the other with a man and woman fighter who get into various adventures). But my FAVORITE author is Michelle West: Hunter series but especially the Sun Sword series. She has all the elements together to make for damn good writing. The Kialli is based on a group in her series and i have several DL books with quotes from her (all identified as being hers of course) so ppl can read a bit.
Ooo and i forgot C.S. Friedman: cept for Otherland its the only Sci-fi i ever read and thats because one of the first series i read was fantasy/sci-fi. Shes got the most interesting ideas regarding systems of life in the sci-fi theme. In the Coldfire Trilogy: ppl come to a place called Erna because Earth exploded and it seems to look a lot like Earth but they realize somethings quite different after a while. At night monsters like vampires and all the childrens-tale-fears come out. The planet responds to strong emotions like fear and creates things to feed on it. Magic comes on the form of special currents "adepts" can see and use to do things like a Tracking etc. There are different specializations relating to the type of current: like Solar, Darkness, Earthquakes, etc. Pretty interesting, not to mention she gets a damn good plot going.
I cant wait for the new Robert Jordan book, i hope its not as well...crappy...as the last few have been. Im about ready to invent the gun and Travel to all the Aes Sedai and shoot them in the head or set a gholem loose.

~Silvanos Rosvalin, Lux Sapientiae and the High Lord of Hosts~


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PostPosted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 7:04 pm 
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My favorite Wheel of Time character is Matt. I was glad they brought him back in the later books like i thought they would.

Also liked the guy that taught Rand how to use the male half of the force, but died to some unknown person in bale fire. He looked to be an interesting character, a bad guy forced to be a good guy, and then they killed him off quickly.

Personally though, I think the first three books are really good, and they get worse and worse from there. I often found myself reading only about key characters, and skipping whole chapters.

~Vogar Eol, Beater of Blades
Thane Ezbad,
The Circle of Steel


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PostPosted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 3:07 am 

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Matt is awesome.

So is Arya Stark :D and her mentor dude. BEATED KNIGHTS WITH WOODEN SWORD!!! 8)


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PostPosted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 5:41 am 
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Her mentor and his water dance.... I wish The Hound had not killed him. You just know that had his wooden sword not broken, or if he had a real blade, none would have stood before him.

John Snow is my favorite character in that whole series, though. The Night Watch, and their warrior monk like vows in the frozen north are great. The snow never melts there, in a world where the seasons last for 5-10 years.

But you have to admit, the way he kills off characters, and adds in new ones keeps things interesting. Its much more a realistic history of a world, then say Wheel of Time where no one ever dies if they are a main character.

~Vogar Eol, Beater of Blades
Thane Ezbad,
The Circle of Steel


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PostPosted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 9:14 am 
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i liked the wind on fire trilogy... still havent read the third book tho :(

Kiasyn Kelle


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PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 10:32 am 
The Wind on Fire series isn't too bad...too short for my comfort though. I personally like Robert Jordan, Sara Douglass and Terry Goodkind the most.

Is the guy Vogar was talking about Asmodean...?


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PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 1:39 pm 
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I've a large collection of Sci-fi and Fantasy books. Many of the above authors (Including all of Wheel of Time (With some extra copies).

I'll add Weis and Hickman to this. Not the best author's from a writing standpoint, but the sheer amount of content they have written is staggering, with many different worlds and themes and plots.

The Deathgate Cycle, Prophet of the Rose, Darksword Trilogy (Plus the fourth "tidy up" book), and several other series written by them are good reads but often over shadowed due to their work on Dragonlance.

Zeraphin Chan
Dark Angel of Balthildis


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 10:40 pm 

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Hrm, authors I would recommend would be...

Neal Stephenson (In particular Cryptonimicon and Snow Crash)
Amazing writer, I love his books.

William Gibson (In particular, Neuromancer)
Defined cyberpunk science fiction, <3 his books.


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PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 5:51 am 
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Wow... do you guys read anything besides sci-fi/fantasy? :P

Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown (Fabulous and thought provoking)
The Unbearable Lightness of Being - Milan Kundera (strange insight into philosophy and relationships.)
Catch 22 - Joseph Heller (Brother sent this to me while I was in Basic Training.. very appropriate)
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - Hunter S. Thompson (first book that actually made me fall out of my chair laughing)
Dragonlance - Weis/Hickman (Name inspiration. Writing isn't all that fantastic, but the characters are so lovable.)
The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove - Christopher Moore (second book that had me falling out of a chair laughing)
Catcher in The Rye - J.D. Salinger (classic. nuff said.)
American Skin - Dan DeGrazia
Dude, Where's My Country? - Michael Moore (Despite being way too radical to be taken seriously, his thoughts and information are backed up by actual facts)
Pastwatch - Orson Scott Card (Great story about Time travel)
Mona Lisa Overdrive & Count Zero - William Gibson (mm.. cyber punk)
How to be Good - Nick Hornby (Entertaining and interesting.)
Shopgirl - Steve Martin (the story of my life)
Monster - Shanyika Shakur (autobiography of an Los Angeles gang member)
Travels With Charley - John Steinbeck (Everytime I read it, I want to go road tripping.)

There are more... but my books are stacked double deep on my bookshelf and I dont feel like digging to find titles I've missed.


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PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 7:26 am 
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Catcher in the Rye? You wouldn't happen to have the erge to buy that book whenever you see it? And if you don't stumble on one, you have to seek one out and buy it?

Yes I read other things then fantasy and sci-fi. Have read most classics except for Moby **** and War and Peace. James F. Cooper's Leather Stocking Tales (which Last of the Mohicans from) is a purticular favorite of mine. Also have a weakness for Edgar Allen Poe, and own several complete sets of his work. Moore is one of my favorite poets, though i read most any author who could be called classic.

What other contempary stuff do I read? S.W.A.T. magazine, Guns n Ammo, Handguns, Small Arms Review, Blade magazine, ect... (and I own a library of about $5,000 worth of books on firearms technologies, but hey.... I am a 'Gun-Doctor')

Two purticular favorites of mine that are non-fiction are Rascal, and As a Falcon Her Bells. The first tells about a boy (the author as a kid) who raised a racoon for about a year. The second is the story of a extremely famous falconer (the author) and how he became a falconer. Let me tell you, he had some interesting pets...

~Vogar Eol, Beater of Blades
Thane Ezbad,
The Circle of Steel


 Post subject: Books N Stuff
PostPosted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 5:17 am 
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I love reading. Fantasy being preferred by some other stuff is awesome too! I usually read after mum or dad kicks me off the Internet.
My favourite authors are:
(Fantasy) David Eddings, Raymond E Fiest, Sara Douglass, Terry Brooks, JRR Tolkein,
(Childrens Fantasy) Shirley Barber, Enid Blyton, JK Rowling.
(Scifi) Jess Moore (my friend who writes excellent, and the only SciFi I will read & I am trying to get her to publish it, but she's too busy
writing sequals)
War Havn't managed to read many but i adore John Marsden's Tomorrow When The War Began Series
Everyone's probably read these books anyway, but I thought I'd put them up anyway

OH and i forgot one of the best series - The Merlin Trilogy by Mary Stewart
I probably forgot loads more! but too bad :twisted:



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PostPosted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 1:22 pm 
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Yes, we can't forget Terry Brooks. I've read every book he's written, and own all but two. All of them are great reads, and he's still writing. He's got at least 30 full length fantasy novels out there for you to go find, I don't remember the exact number.

I also have the book he wrote detailing how he writes his books, which aims to help other authors get started.

Zeraphin Chan
Dark Angel of Balthildis


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 12:58 pm 
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He? HE!? Terry Brooks is a HE? :shock: is she? *looks in the front of her current novel* OMG ITS A HE :!: OK i've never spoken about Terry before, really, I just read his (her) stuff. So i assumed that Terry was a girls name. :lol:



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PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 5:26 am 
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Terry Pratchet (also a HE), is where I get a lot of my dwarf style of RP from. If you haven't read his latest book "The Last Hero" atleas pick it up at a bookstore and flip through it.

~Vogar Eol, Beater of Blades
Thane Ezbad,
The Circle of Steel


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 6:57 am 
Great authors all but you guys forgot two of the best.

Laurell K. Hamilton
H. P. Lovecraft


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PostPosted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 7:03 am 
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Margaret Weis, R.A. Salvatore, Terry Goodkind, and whoever wrote Arena.

Guns don't kill people; I do!


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PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 4:47 am 
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i like the forgotten realms stuff...


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PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 10:46 pm 

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*putters aimlessly through his personal library, remarking to himself again that it's bigger than the entire library of the town he grew up in*

All of the above? :) Well, I haven't read some of the stuff Laurana mentioned, and I've read so much that my memory of most of it is pretty sketchy.

Jean M Auel's Earth Children series (particularly the first three books... after that, they get rather repetitious)

Katherine Kurtz

Lots of non-fiction, especially cooking (which people say I'm very good at), and computer programming (not very good at it, though... I don't do it as much as I used to.)

Decent sized section on religion, arcane subjects, and the occult.

Lots and lots of sci-fi in my library, much of which I haven't read, and might never get around to (even though sci-fi and fantasy are my favorite reading subjects).

Hey Vogar, glad to meet another gun afficionado! (I was going to say gun nut, but I don't think you're nutty... odd, maybe, nutty, no. As for that, I'm pretty odd.) I haven't the money to buy all the gun books I want, but I did complete ICS's gunsmithing course, and I've been learning about guns for about 20 years.

Faloric Guresdar, Dwarven Lumberjack

Also Rivandor, Urvick, and Thog...


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PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 1:24 am 
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I read quite a lot of books. im not really into sci-fi/fantasy but when i do pick up a sci-fi/fantasy book its usually the dragon lance series *i find that fascinating* but im really into Charles Dickens, Alexander Dumass and such. my favorite book of all time is The Three Musketeers. im not much of an Harry Potter fan either i know WOW harry potter just doesn't seem to grab my attention as it does everyone -.-

"You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty. "
Mahatma Gandhi


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PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 10:08 am 
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I mainly read scifi and fantasy, every now and then a few crime books...
oh, and fantasy+humor=GREAT!!!

Fantasy/Humor: Douglas Adams owns, if you haven't read him you HAVE TO!
Terry Pratchett, I love they way the races (dwarves, elves, humans, trolls, Nobby, etc) all have their own characteristic traits, plus he writes the best parodies :)

Fantasy/Scifi: Isaac Asamov (Foundation series is my favourite), Terry Brooks, Terry Goodkind, Sara Douglas, Robert Jordan (favourite character is Lan Mandragoran, he rocks :P), David Eddings, JRR Tolkien, Robert Silverberg....the list goes on and on

Crime: ian rankin, i'm not too interested in crime so he's the only one i read

But mainly Terry Pratchett, Terry Brooks and Douglas Adams, if only i had the money to get all their books $_$

A Mathematician is a machine for turning coffee into theorems. —Paul Erdšs (1913–1996)
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 12:32 am 
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i like forgotten realms stuff by r.a. salvatore, and ed greenwood... fantasy rules :P

Check it ouuuuut


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PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 4:12 am 

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My favorite author is Dean Koontz. I have read every one of his books, and believe me, that number's not very small. My favorite book by any other author would be Ray Bradbury's Fahernheit 451. Excellent book.


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PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 4:26 am 
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Im a big fan of the Magic the Gathering series :P I find them really interesting. Anyone else read them? Ive also read the biography on the Son of Sam cult (very interesting and informing) and i own quite a few books on the Wiccan Culture.


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PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 6:35 am 
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Zeraphin wrote:
The Deathgate Cycle, Prophet of the Rose, Darksword Trilogy (Plus the fourth "tidy up" book), and several other series written by them are good reads but often over shadowed due to their work on Dragonlance.

I have read the Deathgate Cycle series, and enjoyed every minute of it. Admittedly, on another mud I played, I used a couple of its character names for my own characters before I started developing my own. :P

But generally, I just read whatever looks interesting. I rarely stick to a certain author. I usually stick to suspense or fantasy type novels though.


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