
Discuss the classes, races, starsigns and ancestries of Alora

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Post by Darken »

I just thought of this a minute ago and had to write it down. Ive played muds for years and I have never seen anything like it. But, I think if done well , and someone else actually likes it, it could add a cool aspect to the game.

Okay. You spend your levelling career tryign to Tri-Av in order to become Epic. But with all your power and all your abilities, you still have no changed. You have not gone into the metamorphosis that will cause growth and change in your form. Apon obtaining Tri-Av status, before you choose to take the path of the Epics, you may choose to enter a state of hibernation for a period of time, becoming something different, more than a mortal, but less than a god. You Ascend.

Just a thought,
Darken --
Statistically the Ascension process will add a little to your character before they journey to the epics. A few stat bonus's, abilities, ect.

Each race could have one or more different possible Ascension Races.
A few random ideas could be:

Troll >< Tanar'ri
Orc >< Ba'atezu
Pixie >< Faerie
Ogre >< Pit Fiend
Lizardman >< Naga
Elf >< Seraphim

If you even like the idea, Im sure you can think of more and/or better idea's for the ascended races. The time limit for the metamorphosis process may or may not be a relevant issue. Im not talking overpowered here, but a little added edge and something I think some people might enjoy. And if there are more than one possible ascension class it could also add reasons to level another character.

Maybe each Ascended Race can have a unique ability, something that awakens inside them when they emerge from their cocoon, so to speak.
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Post by Hrulgin »

I played a MUD with a similar idea, each race had to undergo a period of exclusion and an expenditure of rare resources in order to change into its next form. For example, a dragon character needed 24 online hours with no channels spent in a room full of a certain amount of gems which were consumed as the dragon became a 'gem dragon'. Basically, sleeping on a giant pile of gem for years embeded them into the dragon's hide, giving it special powers.

Not sure if I really like the idea, but I thought I'd point out that it has been done, and works.
Hrulgin Itchyarse
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race missing

Post by Zidane »

what about gerps and gnomes? :)
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Re: Ascension

Post by Sonhcara »

i like the specialization ideas. It would be nice, to have a little something worth having instead of just tagging epic and gringing levels. it gets old after awhile, and youve still got the same spells and such. Back to the Specializing in place of Multiclass...awesome idea. I could really see having, say, a vampiric pixie mage ding 50 and instead of mc, u can get some special Fey spells, and/or vampiric abilites of some kind.
Cerbaerrus Askani, He Who Was Ninja-Married to Nyneave

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