Mud upgraded to 2.2.36: Several small bugfixes

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Mud upgraded to 2.2.36: Several small bugfixes

Post by Celeborn »

+ [Bugfix] Players able to see ghosts are no longer hindered by invisible/hiding/etc ghosts,
+ [Buildfix] A large backpack's capacity changed from small to large.
+ [Buildfix] Ogre's automatically gain ogre language.
+ [Buildfix] Added missing ingredient to styled finish recipe.
+ [Bugfix] Racetalk (kintalk) channel can be used during roleplay.
+ [Bugfix] guild applicants will no longer be added to guild record.
+ [Bugfix] Pet XP will now rollover.
+ [Bugfix] ptell, adult, no longer interrupt time-delayed commands.
+ [Bugfix] Clantalk now equal to Ordertalk in every respect.
+ [Bugfix] Game tracks pre-epic XP again for logout total.
+ [Bugfix] Linkdead characters can no longer capture conquest points.
+ [Bugfix] Cannot capture conquest points when under the effects of chameleon.

+ [Bugfix] No longer gain duplicate glory each level.
+ [Bugfix] Spellreflection now ignored when casting on self.
+ [Bugfix] fixed bug causing non-avs having avatar privileges, and multi-classed characters level 1-49 NOT counting as avatars.
+ [Bugfix] Level 1-29 multiclassed characters can vow for players now.
+ [Bugfix] can no longer summon key for citadel doors without a lock.
+ Alternate rune now under runewright craft category.
+ [Helpfix] Retired accessories, weaponry and armament helpfiles.
+ [Typofix] he -> He (anvil head, tyr)
+ [Typofix] Prophess -> Propetess
+ [Typofix] Gargantuan tiny frog.
+ [Typofix] Pettle->Petal
+ [Helpfix] Updated help shown after reaching epic level.
+ [Helpfix] updated help setguild.
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