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Life and Times of the Lycan Lord

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 11:35 am
by Sonhcara
Greetings and salutations, friend. There has been a call from a number of people for me to reveal my origins to Alora, and I have at last decided that the time has come to make it so. My name is Alefaeus Kroe. I am a were orc, follower of Maybloom and have been given the title Virtuoso. I have been around Alora for a very long time, reaching back into the depths of history, and have gone into enchanted sleeps on two occasions, to pass the long centuries untouched by time and return only when the need is great. As one of the pair of Overlords of the Knights of the Black Rose, I hold much power in the realm, though the Knights are not as powerful as we were in the distant past, before we disbanded after defeating out greatest enemy. I do not remember my parents. My earliest memory shows me training at the Priory of Radiant Shadows, in the days of my youth, as I began to perfect the arts of combat that I now wield. The Curse of the People of the Moon has always been within me, though it lay dormant for many years, revealing itself at last when I and every other Knight headed into battle against the Ebony Tower, long ago. Until I reestablished the Knights of the Black Rose and opened the doors to others in the hoped that they would join our cause, I wandered the realm alone and attempted to regain my former strength. And now I seek to rebuild the Knights, and bring us back to the glory days of old. And now I believe I have answered the questions posed about myself, and my past. Walk always in the Light, friend, and prosper.

-Alefaeus Kroe, Lycan Lord-