The Priory of Radiant Shadows

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The Priory of Radiant Shadows

Post by Sonhcara »

"From the desk of Overlord Alefaeus Kroe, Leader of the Knights of the Black Rose"

Upon awakening from my long sleep, I first began a quest to locate my long-time home and stronghold, the Priory of Radiant Shadows. From the outside, it appeared unchanged by Time's ceasless grinding, standing as tall now as it did so long ago....But the Knights are not as powerful as we were in the distant past, and the Priory remains Sealed, until the day we have reattained power equal to that of our former glory. And so I train tirelessly, to regain the strength I once had and to rebuild the Knights, filling our ranks with powerful allies and lending aid where I can, in the hope that one day others too, will join our ranks and hasten our path to breaking the Seal on the Priory and bringing it back from the ethereal realm, to rest once more on the soil of Alora. This is my one true goal, to firmly reestablish the Knights as a mighty force in the realm once more. Thus concludes my report.
-Alefaeus Kroe, Lycan Lord-
Cerbaerrus Askani, He Who Was Ninja-Married to Nyneave

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