Some suggestions (crafting) - post 2.2.36

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Some suggestions (crafting) - post 2.2.36

Post by malkier »

My suggestion is that there be an absolute cap on getting a legendary (with restrictions! will explain soon). My motivation for this is that some people (like me) can't afford to sit and craft for more than say 4 hours, because of commitments in real life. The only long period over which I can craft is when I'm asleep, but that would be botting :p

Also, I have spent now almost 19k attempts at levelling runewright past e700, and am still stuck getting this legendary scroll of identify (i'll frame it when it's done :)). From talks with other players, they seem to have been able to get a legendary item in max. 12k attempts, and some as little as 4k attempts -- this is all in the e700->e701 step. My craftmanship is quite high, so the only thing I can think of that is affecting my ability to make a legendary item in a similar number of attempts, is that I have to break up my periods of crafting over days and weeks and can't do it in one continuous block, because I just don't have that much time to be checking DL every 5 minutes.

Now, I'm not suggesting that crafting be made heaps easier. I think it would be reasonable to have an absolute cap on the number of attempts required to achieve a legendary item.
Something ridiculous like 20k attempts (so that in reality players will achieve it sooner), with some constraints to avoid abuse, such as:
- the cap is only active on the e700->e701 attempt (or, the counter resets every time that particular craft is levelled, meaning to get a legendary by this means you would have to have 20,000 attempts on the same level).
- the item you are trying for (for the legendary) should be in your craft level range - i.e. between 1 and e700.
- reset the counter after a decent time has elapsed between successive attempts (perhaps a month? To account for the fact that players may run out of resources and need to spend time gathering more).

i.e., the cap would only be active in the case that a player is quite unlucky with their crafting rolls, and more or less useless otherwise.

Also, the 'ideas' command in the mud -- are ideas submitted with this command monitored at all?
Sigari suggests changing the 'ideas' system to be somewhat like the bug system, which would at least allow players to see others' ideas.

These couple are more reminders than anything:
- cooking is not back yet.
- refining stone is not implemented yet.
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