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 Post subject: Old Complaints Board
PostPosted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 9:32 pm 
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This is the old Complaints board. A lot of it is really "Ideas for improvement" ..


[ 1] Lingolas: continue
Thu Nov 13 01:36:36 2003
To: Whoever

...the mud would be better if more time and effort is concentrated elsewhere.
Forexample, adding more areas, adding more races or classes, more creative
objects that are similar to books, runewords, sockets...
Here are things that need to spend more effor into:
* a better helpfile system that is organized in a way that anyone can find any
helpfile. No more random keyword guesses.

* Better introduction (the Alexis part)
* Better welcome screen
* More leveling areas
* Assigning correct gold values to equ.
* fix current bugs
* Do something about weapons sizes
* Rid of areas that no one comes or care to comes. There are several areas on
this mud serves no purpose...a waste of memory
* Get rid of the time lag when one moves from one room to another
* lessen the lag after a spell is casted. This way, where would be less stress.
* Fix celeball
* Work on a pk zone since there seems to be a large number of people that
demand it
* reimplement DTS
* Reintroduce quests from mobs
**** little things that make the game MORE FUN to play NOT MORE STRESSFUL TO

[ 2] Lingolas: previous note makes me MAD
Mon Nov 24 00:07:55 2003
To: All

Here's a quick solution to many of the previous complaints including mine.
Lets have all this hunger, time lag, aka "****" in RP only. People that
love RP can config so that they would eat, drink, sleep as in real life. For
those practical players who care less have the option to be non-RP

And now as for Snowf. It makes me MAD when someone says live with it or
leave. Last time i check this is a COMPLAINT NOTEBOARD. Every single notes
posted here are simply concerns, ideas, and advice. Celeborn can do whatever
he wishes. It's his game and we respect that. I'm also sure that he doesnt
mind us pointing out flaws and areas where improvement is needed.

It would be dumb to see flaws and not point it out. Most of us here are not
Yes-men(is that how you spell it?) We will keep on pointing out flaws when we
see them as well as complement on areas where we see a great job is done.

...and yes, what's up with trolls not being able to spin? Isn't by putting
sizes on weapons a bit ridiculous? why cant we determine the size of the
weapons when we make them? just because a pixie is small, that doesnt mean
he/she cant make a 10 meter axe. And snowf. dont even tell me to shrink more!

[ 3] Avestifal: UNBALANCED
Tue Nov 25 15:17:48 2003

I have a complaint- as it stands the mage classes far overpower the warrior
classes, and if that's what you want- fine. Just let us know that whether we
like it or not mages will always outclass warrior classes. but if you're
going for equality and giving people a fair chance then give non-void warriors
a way to win.
For instance: Maybe, since pixies have +25% or whatever to their complexities,
you could give, trolls, orcs, and/or ogres +25% damage, since that's what they
do- crush things into tiny little pulps I mean. That way it would give
warriors some kind of similar edge.

[ 4] Yuurk: Weak-warriors, Orcs, and Spin
Tue Nov 25 20:42:47 2003
To: All

Orcs are the answer to the non-voider warrior. A Orc can use jewelery. He also
can be healed. He can fight in aggressive and berserk styles without taking
any extra damage. And should a mage almost kill him, he gets feral rage which
gives 6dr, 5ar, 4str, -1int for the duration of combat so long as your still
wounded baddly.

Now, while thats no real great advantage.... It SHOULD be enough if you know
how to use strengths and weaknesses. Granted the hardest part is getting close
enough to a mage. Even a voider can't kill a mage if the mage plays hard to
get. I think ranged weapons need a little more, well.... range.

What really bothers me though is how the darn spin code works. If the weapon
you are using is defined as smaller then medium compared to your relative
size, then you can't spin with it. That means there are pure warrior chars out
there to large to even spin with Lantanas or Galins. To completely limit a
char from their only bonus skill based on thier size is unfair. There doesn't
exist a weapon large enough for a Ogre or Troll to spin with. Or a Treant for
that matter. ( hint to spell casters ;) )

[ 5] Lingolas: magic vs. no magic
Tue Nov 25 23:57:02 2003
To: All

In a way, things are pretty fair between magic users and non magic

Well, since magic users can fight and cast at the same time, they may have the
advantage, but us warriors get to use the power of jewelry in return. It's
still not bonus because magic users can use them too, however, it helps us
warriors out alot.

I think that all warriors should be allowed to spin reguardless of their weapon
sizes. I say give us all spins, and maybe more balance or a speed bonus. If
not, take some speed bonus off some magic users. Since you have to cast magic
which requires some sort of mental effort, you should not be able to fight the
same speed as if you were not casting spells. I think it's a good idea to
place this penalty on hybrids. They are not truely a spell master so they
Basically it should be something like this:

Warriors: +spin, -100% magic
Rouges: +balance, +speed, -100% magic
Paladins: -speed, +50% magic
Rangers: -balance, +50% magic
Clerics: -speed, -balance, +80% magic defense, +20% magic offense
Mages: -speed, -balance, +20% magic defense, +80% magic offense
Druids: -speed, +balance, +90% magic(mostly nature)
Psioniscists: +speed, +balance, +concentration, +20% magic (basically, a

[ 6] Lingolas: classes
Wed Nov 26 00:11:45 2003
To: All

The last note was messy. This is better.

Warriors: +spin, +stun, -multistrike, -100% magic
Rouges : -spin, -headbutt, -100% magic, +balance, +speed
Paladins: -balance, -headbutt, +50% magic
Rangers : -speed, -headbutt, +50% magic, +track, +hunting(whatever this may be)
Clerics : -speed, -balance, +85% magical defense, +15% magical offense
Mages : -speed, -balance, +15% magical defense, +85% magical offense
Druid : -speed, -balance, +++SUMMON, -defense, +50% nature offense.
Psioniscists: +speed, +balance, +concentration, +15% in all magic, -defense
Bards : -speed, +charm, +luck, +++CURSE, +++range...

urrr... yah this is pretty much it. if anything else crazy come across my mind,
urrr... yah this is pretty much it. if anything else crazy come across my mind,
i'll make that i post a note about it. There are just ideas. Hope you guys

[ 7] Eomund: Balance
Wed Nov 26 02:53:59 2003
To: All

Balance, is in balanced characters. The character with the right amount of
magic along with the right amount of fighting.
After making 4 tri-avs, 1 pure magic, 1 pure fighting, and 2 mixxes, i have
come to the conclusion that my latest character,
is unrivaled when it comes to balance. I can cast as fast as an oracle, i have
the physical complexities of an ogre mage,
I have the fighting abilities of an elf, and the magic resistance of a void.
I can combat anything that is thrown at me, but still, i think that pure
warriors get shafted the most, because they are the only
characters that are useless.

[ 8] Lingolas: combat
Mon Dec 29 21:22:51 2003
To: Whoever cares

whats up with magic users casting breaths when their head is on the ground
along with their 2 arms?


[ 9] Lingolas: more complain
Mon Dec 29 21:25:17 2003
To: Whoever cares

what's up with pixies able to cure 1000 hp within 1 second and be able to cast
arrows 300 ft away at the same time?

<50045/50045 21474> <118254/118254> (0)
[ 10] Tuler: Phasian - RW out of battle.
Sat Feb 14 22:12:53 2004
To: Imms

Okay, it seems as though phasians have lost their ability to runewalk
out of battles. Why may I ask? Thats pretty much all RW was really
useful for. You could always just recite, or cast recall if you needed
to leave, and it was only on the rare occasion that you couldn't use
those methods to get out of an area.

Phasians just lost the only thing that actually made them good, and I
believe they should still have RW out of battle, it wasn't causing
any harm, and didn't put the race higher then other races. I also
never saw any complaints about phasians RWing out of battle. (And
even if there were, its not like it caused a problem.)

Phasians are the oldest race of Alora, and they need to have some type
of bonus that makes them decent.

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[ 11] Pedra: Phasians (aka-Blue Man Group)
Sat Feb 14 23:06:12 2004
To: Alora/Immortals

This would be in addition to Tuler's note:
The ability of a Phasian to runewalk out of combat has been removed, which was
the ONLY thing phasians had going for them. This technique came in very handy
to many phasians, especially myself during unwanted combats. I feel that this
is unfair. At the very least, new abilities and stat bonuses could be given
to even the playing field back to the way it was, if not restore the ability
While this may seem a ridiculous request for a non-phasian, you must understand
that without it, we are just small, blue people with a funky rock in our
foreheads. Might as well call us the Blue Man Group and persecute us for
being said color. I believe that, in all fairness, this attribute leveled the
play field, and it is a very biased world without it.
-Pedra Incarnate

[ 12] Jingizu: Wild surges
Fri Feb 20 04:52:35 2004
To: Everyone

I must say im quite pissed off my boots popped after a wild surge. All others
are non-permanent changes/profitable even. I think it should be taken out or

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[ 13] Vogar: Balance
Thu Feb 26 21:22:00 2004
To: Lingolas

Classes and Races are ment to be different in equal ways, NOT Balanced.

Most of what goes into beating someone is tactics and skill. Time spent has
very little to do with it.

I'll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when
there's evidence of any thinking going on inside it.

<50045/50045 21474> <118254/118254> (0)
[ 14] Andragon: No response to mud/e-mails!
Fri Mar 19 21:54:13 2004
To: Whoever

Okay, what is up with IMMs (Zeraphin and Cele) and whoever handles all the
websites email, not answering mudmail/emails?
I mean, even it is a quick simple response that says they will get back to you,
or that they are too busy atm and to remail later or something. This total
silence is just insane! I am not even trying to get anything really major as
a response, just a couple quick answers :(

I guess this is just my last resort for getting their attention, I am trying to
get the mud more players and help it out here :(

<50045/50045 21474> <118254/118254> (0)
[ 15] Azmodeus: immaturity
Mon Apr 5 16:48:06 2004
To: Celeborn

Seeing as how this is being posted in the complaints room I have every right to
say what I have to say as long as it is clean, so with that aside.
Celeborn I'm begining to believe that you have the maturity level of a 2 year
you denied me access to on of my characters,Miyamoto, with out proper cause and
when confronted with the issue you ignored me and my posts,
you have not given me a reason as to Why you denied me access, which to me is
rather childish, All I want is to have the deny flag removed so that I may
transfer his eq, which I got legally without doing anything wrong, and delete
him so I can create a new character
thats all.

<50045/50045 21474> <118254/118254> (0)
[ 16] Maestro: BARDS =)
Tue Apr 13 19:25:23 2004
To: All that care

Oh man... Do I have some things to say about bards. Bards have been shafted for
the longest time, even back when I was one of the few bards who actually tried
to start as a bard. Its not overly difficult being a bard, its just that
we're left in the dust by everyone who gets to enhance their current abilities
by getting another class instead. I'm a Druid/Pally/Bard. I wanted to be
different and unique, because I thought Bards were a special breed of people
that required stratagy and could take advantage of the environment more than
the normal person could.
Well, my dreams were shot. Bards are underequipped in every situation because
even though it adds an extra spell affect to either myself or my enemy, it
requires me to actually sacrifice one of the most important equipment spots in
this game. A hand. Do you know what you can put in a hand? You can put a
weapon. You can put a shield. You can hold an item. You can hold an
instrument. With the current instruments, even though they've been expanded
recently, I'd rather hold a non functional item than an instrument because of
the stats I can get from it.
Bards need an overhaul and need it now more than ever. Not only are they
currently flawed, they're under equipped because of the many songs that are
broken or useless without the ability to make them stronger. Why can't you
people PLEASE do something to actually encourage people to be bards instead of
just getting a bard?

[ 17] Maestro: Bards Part Two
Tue Apr 13 19:35:28 2004
To: All that care

Oh, I'm not done yet. Bards have no advantage they can stack with another
class. You can't combine a bard's skills with say a Warrior or a Rogue. You
need two hands to do spin or multistrike... If not, then you sure can't do a
good one handed multistrike or spin. Oh, lets take my Epic class for example.
Divine Teller. Druid/Paladin/Bard. There's no way you can effectivly combine
the magic and skills of all three of those classes into something that's worth
while. My best shot is spelling up the little I can, shapeshift into a
unicorn, dual wield, perform that little stupor screech, set my range to max,
and pray I can slow them down and cut a limb off before they can land a hit on
me. Do you know how well that works? Not at all.
And why in the heck is it so difficult to make instruments? Shields get used
less than instruments now a days, but there's plenty of freaking shields
laying around. Also, why can't you put decent stats on those instruments? Do
you actually think that the current instruments can replace a shield or a
weapon? And you know, there's no instruments hidden around the mud either.
Nothing special or super. Nothing to strive for.
Just a little work, thats all I want. Someone needs to come in and take a long
hard look at Bards and finish the work that was half way done. Trust me,
Bards are on the right track, but have a LONG way to go.
P.S. We need MORE SONGS.

[ 18] Ramirez: sun
Wed Jun 30 00:36:05 2004
To: Caretaker

I think that a vampire should be safe from the sun in their own home
instead they have to flee to the mines if the sun is to much for them
Even if the no sun in the houses was an option on the construct menu
that would work just as well.

[ 19] Lailoken: summoned units and xp
Wed Jun 30 20:29:30 2004
To: Caretaker

i think that when u summon something, and it gets the kb, you should get some
xp, you dont even get some if you are grouped, otherwise it unfair for druids,
since most of their strengths come from their summoned things, maybe not full
xp, but at least some xp, sry if there is a big reason to this, i asked
several times, and people just ignored me or didnt know.

[ 20] Osgiliath: stupid mining
Mon Jul 12 00:03:37 2004
To: Caretaker

lets see, i started mining at 10am, and mined to 12 am. that's like what? 14
hrs of mining?
in my 14 hrs of minning if found 2 diamond walls. This is frustrating, but it's
understandale sinc ediamonds are rare. But what pisses me off is that my
diamond skill didnt even raise by .01%. the message i got was "you didnt find
when i look back at the wall, the diamonds were gone. where did it go? I'm not
pissed off because of today's mining, but because of 3 weeks of mining. I mine
on average 8-10 hrs a day and find diamond walls on average of 1-2 walls a
day. for the last 3 days, my diamond skill hasnt raised any. what the hell is
up with that?

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[ 21] Rickey: usual rant.
Sun Jul 25 08:32:47 2004
To: Imms

I'll start off with this... DL has gone down the drain.
Not only have you tried to "upgrade" the mud and failed to do so,
you block out all opinion's if they're from anything you dislike and
won't even try to consider someone elses point of view because it's
your mud and you don't have to but why say this is so much for other
people then? Just look back at all the changes that have been made
and then look at the quality of players after each one? DL has
driven away better players then most muds get and for some reason
it's like your proud that you maintain a mud of noobs and suck ups.

I could say more but I figure thats for another note.

<50045/50045 21474> <118254/118254> (0)
[ 22] Laurana: hi pkill
Sun Aug 22 16:27:53 2004
To: Imms

Just out of curiousity.... what happened to hi pkills?
I know pkill isnt particularly a focal point of the game anymore,
but it's still fun.
So if y'all could bring that back... it would rock.

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[ 23] Lingolas: lottery
Sun Aug 22 19:16:28 2004
To: Whoever


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[ 24] Peter: sigil
Mon Aug 23 13:14:51 2004
To: Imm

remove the sigils level requiement and change the sigil back to the way tehre

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[ 25] Zelimar: Sigil Levels
Thu Aug 26 16:23:52 2004
To: Caretakers

The Sigil leve was A Bad idea which never should have been made put it back to
the way it used to be

<50045/50045 21474> <118254/118254> (0)
[ 26] Zeltious: Sigil Levels
Thu Aug 26 16:29:42 2004
To: Caretakers

The sigil idea was a very bad Idea put the back the old way its making the game

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[ 27] Methyr: Sigil levels
Thu Aug 26 16:30:57 2004
To: Caretakers

Change the Sigils Back the game sucks now

<50045/50045 21474> <118254/118254> (0)
[ 28] Xorthyr: Sigil Levels
Thu Aug 26 16:33:15 2004
To: Caretakers

Put the Sigils back whoever changed it the sigil thing was a bad idea put them
back the way they were

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[ 29] Wakka: Sigil Levels
Thu Aug 26 16:34:30 2004
To: Immys

Stop messing with the stuff that is good leave the sigils alone put them back
the way they used to be

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[ 30] Lingolas: sigils
Sat Aug 28 01:41:58 2004
To: Youall

the sigils are bad for you, bad for your alts, bad for my alts, bad for every
...BUT GOOD FOR THE MUD for obvious reasons.

If you want to be convincing, you should explain why the sigils are now bad and
how would changing them back to how they were good for the mud.
Perhaps celeborn will then listen, but posting random notes with zero reason
will not convince anyone

<50045/50045 21474> <118254/118254> (0)
[ 31] Laurana: sigils
Sat Aug 28 01:53:02 2004
To: Complainers

Well, I've seen some very intelligent arguments about sigils.
"Bring it back! you suck! Whine whine whine"
I agree with Lingo on this one, If you're going to try and convince
someone to do something, you need to explain why you feel that the
change is necessary. Think about it this way, lets say you're trying
to get someone to do you a favor. i.e. changing the dress code at school.
What argument would the administrators go for? The "you suck! we hate this!
change it back!" OR, "I really dont feel as though this is fair, this
impinges on my freedom to express myself. And I don't seem to understand
how wearing jeans vs wearing a uniform affects my ability to learn
Hrm... which argument would they be more likely to listen to? The one
that is whining and annoying? Or the one that makes a clear, valid and
concise point? Think about that next time you complain.

Anyhow, my thoughts on sigils. They were too overpowered to begin with
Yes, they were great. They made levelling so much easier. But levelling
is easy to begin with. Killing a mob in one hit is nice, but completely
unnecessary. I firmly believe that it helps make the game more even,
albeit more difficult. Besides, its good for the mud. And lastly, it's
Celeborns mud. He can do whatever the hell he wants to it. If tomorrow
he decided to do a full player wipe, he can. No one is forcing you to be

[ 32] Ensil: Meteorite Belts...
Sat Sep 4 09:28:44 2004
To: Caretakers

Not so much of a complaint as a question...why did the meteorite
belts go bye-bye? They were one of the few really nice items to use
for enchanting...ie several ability scores in one object...I was gone
for a short time when my computer went down, then for a short while
longer when my brother passed and now I am back and finding a lot of
changes...some good...some bad (my opinion)...

If someone else was willing, would you allow them the use of your
codebase without the new changes to create a mud?

[ 33] Gerret: sigils
Wed Sep 8 14:30:47 2004
To: Caretakers

the sigil lvl thing is a bad idea.
lvling gets very boring and motoneness
i love playing dl.
Sigils help struggling players. when i was a low lvl i could never venture
outoftarsoniswithut getting killed bysome arggo mob. then a caretaker gave me
a +23 sigil, that help so so so much. I was then able to venture out of
tarsois. plz take the lvls off the sigils.
I know several players have quit because of all the changes,takeing the lvls
off just might bringthem back.



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