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 Post subject: Racepatch: Latest races, starsigns, ancestries (BIG POST)
PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 7:56 pm 
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Joined: Tue Sep 14, 2004 1:12 am
Posts: 739
Location: Delft, The Netherlands
Below is the current state of races, starsigns and ancestries in one post. We're a lot closer to completion and i'm hoping to start public trials soon! I really appreciate any comments you might have an ratings like i've seen appear in the starsign thread.

Revision 3: (11-march-2006)
+ mainly description updates

Revision 2: (8-march-2006)
+ small tweaks to desert troll
+ small tweaks to vampyr
+ increased kobold and halfling disarm trap bonus to a +5 bonus
+ increased lockpick bonus to +5
+ several changes+clarifications for lycanthrope
+ added +8% complexity to thrall
+ increased 'the knight' effective balance bonus to +15%
+ completed starsign and race descriptions
+ removed 'the womb' starsign, redistributed powers amongst starsigns.
+ several other tweaks (see below)

Revision 1: (2-march-2006)
+ tweaked lich complexities.
+ clarified lich racegroup
+ slightly lowered dragon complexities.
+ Vampyre renamed to Vampyr, to respect naming used in established guilds.
+ renamed lycanthrope 'embrace' spell to 'howl'.
+ Added new race descs.
+ removed titan. (not enough time, other patch perhaps).

Highly adaptive and populous race, dominate Alora.
    Imperial Human
    Adapted to life in the crowded cities.
    Humans first appeared long ago, and have the largest population of any race. Humans have appeared all across the face of the planet, living in environments other races generally can't adapt to. This adaptability is partially due to how average the human race is. They have no particular strengths or weaknesses, and this allows them to excel to some degree at just about everything. One thing humans are good at is expanding their newly found civilizations. After the decline of the great cities of the Phasians and the devastation caused by the Shattering, humans are the new builders of society. They are the base standard for nearly everything, since they exist in such large quantities. Height, eye and hair color, and size all differ vastly, and few look even closely similar. They can show a range of behavioral characteristics, from kind and gentle to rashly arrogant and cruel. As a result, humans have very diverse relationships with the rest of the races.
    automatically speaks common.
    +10% bonus experience.
    Archaic, immune to pillar sickness, blueish skin.
    The phasians are a sturdy race. Almost a head smaller than a human, phasians have gentle features and a tad blueish skin. Each phasian is born with a unique sigil on their forehead, which according to phasian religion is their compass for life. It is common for phasians to cover their sigil when they want to provoke chance, or invoke luck. The phasians are the oldest race of Alora, and due to the Great of War of the Deities have fallen from glory. They can use the rune pillars without harm, being the original creators of the pillars, but no longer have the knowledge to construct them. Like their human cousins however, the phasians are also good at adapting to different environments, and although there are few phasian cities left, they can still be found scattered across most of Alora.
    automatically speaks common.
    immune to pillar sickness.
    +10 extra runewalk destination slots.
    can runewalk travel without starting pillar.
    +5% bonus experience.
    A race of telepaths.
    No one quite knows how or when zions came into existence, since no great event preceded their appearance in Alora. It is most likely however, that a secluded group of highly intelligent humans slowly evolved away from their brethren. Even today they are much like humans except for their enlarged craniums, the reason for their increased mental capabilities. Their height, weight, eye and hair color vary greatly. zions are known for their telepathic abilities and remarkable willpower. They tend to be a wiser than humans as well but have less stamina. Although respected by most civilized races, zions are feared by the less intelligent species, who consider their powers to be unnatural and dangerous. In most cases, you would find zions living in human settlements as clerics or scholars, aided by their telepathy and wisdom.
    automatically speaks common.
    communicates with telepathic powers.
    -1 constitution, +1 wisdom.
short, hardy and hairy; often cantankerous in personality.
    Gray Dwarf
    Surly and emaciated evil natured dwarves.
    Gray dwarves are physically the closest to their mountain dwarfkin of all the dwarves, yet their seclusion in the depths of the mountains has changed them nevertheless. Although as strong and sturdy as their cousins, gray dwarves have larger eyes to compensate for the darkness and their skin and hair are much paler. To survive the harsh elements of their environment they have also developed a certain amount of resistance to magic and poison, owing to the abundance of magical creatures that live there and the large amount of toxic fumes that vent from the earth. It is also said by their cousins that gray dwarves are mentally unstable from living so deep the in earth, surrounded constantly by darkness and terrible creatures. But for a large part this is fueled by the animosity with which they regard the gray dwarves, ever since their exile so many years ago. Although not quite as industrious as their cousins, gray dwarves have built a few strongholds in the mountain depths and they delve for gems and ore like other dwarves.
    automatically speak common and dwarven.
    +2 strength, +3 constitution, -4 charisma, -1 dexterity
    +20 poison resistance points.
    +5 spell resistance.
    Hard blue-purplish stone skin, can eat anything.
    The gerps are a strange race, originally part of the mountain dwarf sub-species. Once upon a time, long ago, there was a dwarven village located near a mine used for magical ores. Unfortunately, over generations the ore began to affect the miners, and their offspring grew to be quite different. They had hard, blue-purplish skin, and an appetite that was never quite satisfied by normal food. For the most part though, the gerps are just like other dwarves, but a little more stout. Back in the days when the signs of their change first became visible, they were shunned by other dwarves and were forced to live apart. This only increased the effects of their evolution. Gerps today have their own language, and can eat anything, often receiving temporary benefits from the items eaten. They're also resilient to slashing weapons, due to their oddly hard skin.
    automatically speak common and dwarven.
    unnatural appetite with absorbing qualities.
    +60 slash resistance points, +10 blunt resistance points.
    +1 strength, +3 constitution, -2 charisma, -1 dexterity
    automatically speak gerpish.
    Gully Dwarf
    Anguished dwarves, durable but increadibly dense.
    Gully Dwarves can be found in almost every city and ruin in Alora; though most of the city-dwellers consider them to be some sort of large rodent and not a sentient humanoid at all. They are incredibly dirty and stupid, with few being able to count above two. However, they still possess a close likeness to their dwarf-kin, although they are somewhat smaller and stockier; but since they never bathe and they live in refuse heaps and sewers for the most part, it isnt really visible (much to the relief of the other dwarves). Like other dwarves, they also form clans...but their standards for leadership are somewhat different of course. Gully dwarves are downtrodden by most races except the halflings, and being outcasts of society they need to scavenge for food where ever they can. Since they really dont know any better, this suits them just fine; especially since they are able to eat almost anything with their heightened constitution. Gully dwarves are usually rather cowardly but when forced into battle they can be ferocious little creatures with a knack for ranged weapons.
    automatically speak common and dwarven.
    regeneration via alcohol.
    +4 constitution.
    -4 charisma, -4 intelligence, -2 wisdom.
    +2 attack with range weapons.
    Tinker Dwarf
    Skilled inventors, always playing with the latest technologies.
    A common interest in technology and invention has, over time, served to create a new subspecies of dwarf who came to be called Tinker dwarves by their brethren. As they moved away from the Mountain dwarves on the evolutionary path, Tinker dwarves became less muscular but grew smarter than their cousins. They are a studious bunch and most are obsessed with their various inventions and research. As a result they tend to naturally isolate themselves from the other dwarves in order to provide a sanctuary for their shared passion. However, they do stick close enough to their cousins in order to be protected from the dangers in the world; in return for which they trade their more practical inventions to the other dwarves. Other than that though, Tinker dwarves dont have anything against any of the other races, as long as theyre allowed to exist in peace.
    automatically speak common and dwarven.
    +2 con, +3 int, -2 cha.
    can invent additions to existing objects.
    Mountain Dwarf
    Mountain dwellers, great fortress builders and miners.
    Mountain dwarves are an older race than humans, and their physical characteristics differ quite a bit. They are short, stocky individuals, with huge amounts of stamina and strength, though they aren't very dexterous. Most mountain dwarves become warriors but there are quite a few who pursue a more divine or magical lifestyle. They are normally a long-lived race, despite their strong desire for drinking, feasting and a good fight. They are mostly known for a stubborn attitude, and a general disregard for other races, preferring their own kind. They are proficient miners and have a love for the riches of the earth, and build most of their trade upon this. Due to their underground nature from long centuries of mining, they have the ability to see infravision. Their height averages from four and a half feet to five feet, with dusky complexions and thick torsos and limbs. They are rather hairy, and both men and women wear and take pride in their beards, which is often used as a symbol of status in their culture. They're the most technologically advanced race.
    automatically speak common and dwarven.
    cannonball attack initiation.
    +2 strength, +3 constitution, -2 charisma, -1 dexterity
    can sniff out ore and gems.
Tall, thin and swift like the wind; close to nature and earth.
    Wood Elf
    Maintain close ties with nature and distrust society.
    Wood elves are well known for their love of song, dance and revelry. However, when threatened, they are not shy about defending their forest home. They protect their forests and kin alike with a single minded passion. Wood elves are a long lived race and this tends to make them seem aloof and uncaring to those with shorter lives. However, when one manages to befriend a wood elf, they will have a friend for life...although the same applies to their enemies. The typical wood elf is tall and lithe, seemingly weak but graceful nevertheless. Although not gifted with high intelligence they still retain the innate magic abilities of all elves, being able to resist sleep spells and detect all things magical in the world.. Wood elves, like most other elves, possess a mysterious allure, men and women alike. They stand roughly five feet tall, though the men are usually slightly taller. They often dress in greens and browns, so as to blend in with their environment. Many wood elves are trained from birth in tracking and forestry, making them ideal rangers and druids.
    immune to magical sleep.
    innate detect magic.
    automatically speak common and elvish.
    +1 nature and summoning complexity.
    +2 sight distance on map.
    +3 dex, +1 cha, -1 int, -1 con.
    Wild Elf
    A hardy breed of elf. tribal but maintaining elven grace.
    Wild elves are territorial creatures that live in small clans, which they are fiercely loyal to. They are a nomadic race, surviving on the abundance of the forest and the plains they roam. They move with the seasons, recognizing the needs of the land and the creatures that live there so that they are never a burden. Like many other elves they avoid large settlements, but unlike them the wild elves often avoid other elves as well. They will tolerate other elves at best, but other races often come under attack if they come near the wild elf camps. They retain some of the gracefulness that all elves have but generations of warfare and hunting having caused wild elves to grow more muscular than their cousins. Tattoos and scars often decorate their faces and bodies. It is seen as a badge of honor; the more scars an elf has, the more respect he has earned. Wild elves are often found as warriors and rangers, not having the discipline or patience required to study the difficult and higher mystic arts.
    immune to magical sleep.
    innate detect magic.
    automatically speak common and elvish.
    +1 nature and summoning complexity.
    +2 strength, +1 dexterity, +1 charisma, -2 intelligence.
    +2 range attack bonus.
    Moon Elf
    Fun-loving adventurous, most tolerant of all elves.
    The moon elves are descendants of an ancient tribe of elves that worshipped the moon and the magic of the night. As a result, moon elves today are mostly nocturnal with a heightened sense of night-vision, having developed larger eyes, and their skin has also grown much paler. Their worship of the moon has brought out a certain fey wildness in them. On many nights, each tribe of moon elves performs a festive ritual that changes with the ebb and flow of the moon. With rhythmic music and dance, the moon elves go into a trance while the magic forces gather around them. The elves are so in tune with the magic of the night that it joins with them and in the harmonies they create in these rituals, the moon elves explore a side of magic that other races could not even fathom. As a result, most other races see them as being rather bizarre. Moon elves are quite friendly however; they just see things a lot differently than other people.
    immune to magical sleep.
    innate detect magic.
    automatically speak common and elvish.
    +1 to all magical complexities, +2 to nature and summoning.
    +2 dexterity, +2 charisma, +2 intelligence, -2 constitution.
    Dark Elf
    Depraved and evil subterranean offshoot of elves.
    It was eons ago that the first elves split off from the moon elf tribes and made their way to the subterranean regions that they call home today. In the exploration of magic, a group of moon elves discovered the dark arts of necromancy and the summoning of monsters. As their art devoured them, they became disgusted with their carefree brethren who never used their superior powers to subjugate the lesser races. They decided to forsake the world altogether and gather their strength. Moving underground they gave up their worship of the moon, and embraced the true darkness of the world, becoming dark elves. The change became physical over the years, with their skin turning ebony and their hair white as snow. While the magic they possessed as moon elves also adapted to their new world; giving them infravision and a natural protection against magic. Dark elves remain lithe and graceful, but have become cruel and evil. They live in great cities deep beneath the earth, often warring with other races of the deep as well as between themselves. The dark elves despise all races that are weaker than they are and have a passionate hatred of all elves.
    immune to magical sleep.
    innate detect magic.
    automatically speak common and elvish.
    +1 body and summoning complexity.
    +1 dexterity, +3 intelligence, +1 charisma. -2 constitution.
    can see in the dark.
    +5 magical resistance
    Aquatic Elf
    Waterbreathing cousins to land-dwelling elves.
    The aquatic elves resemble wood elves the most. They have a few physical differences of course, having adapted to their underwater environment. Their skin and hair ranges from blue to green and gill slits on either side of their throats permit them the ability to breathe underwater. They may venture away from water if desired, although they need to have access to plenty of water in order to remain hydrated. While generally an anti-social race towards others, within their communities they are fiercely loyal. Aquatics have little confidence in the ability of outsiders, and would prefer to be left alone to tend to their own society. This is usually the case anyway, considering their cities lie on the deepest ocean beds of Alora. Those closest to the mainland sometimes come in contact with their lizardman neighbors, with whom they have an apprehensive but essentially neutral relationship.
    immune to magical sleep.
    innate detect magic.
    automatically speak common and elvish.
    +1 nature and summoning complexity.
    +3 dexterity, +1 charisma. -2 constitution.
    can breathe under water.
    +20 water resistance points, -20 earth resistance points.
    Winged Elf
    Graceful and striking, proud, ruthless and serious.
    Rumor has it that in ancient times, celestial beings kept elves within their halls as servants and retainers. This close proximity eventually resulted in relations between elves and celestials. The result are the winged elves. As time passed the celestials began to retreat further and further from the world, leaving their servants to fend for themselves. The winged elves were eventually abandoned by their masters and left to defend themselves against the new races of the world. They live high in the mountains, in large cities with soaring spires and beautiful towers. From their cities high in the mountains the winged elves keep to themselves and watch the people below go about their mundane lives. The winged elves are a proud, fierce people. Many of the mortal races believe winged elves to be cruel and callous, however that is a common misconception. The winged elves are not a cruel people, they simple believe in the survival of the fittest. Winged elves stand slightly taller than humans, with broad feathered wings on their back that allow them to fly with unparalleled grace. Other than their wings, they physically resemble all other elves, just bigger and more muscular. While they are in no way robust or strong, they are not the frail forestdwellers the wood elves are. They are a competitive people and live for the feel of the wind and the rush of a fight. While they are not hostile with strangers they are wary against anyone without wings, they simply cannot trust those surface dwellers.
    immune to magical sleep.
    innate detect magic.
    automatically speak common and elvish.
    +1 nature and summoning complexity.
    +4 dexterity, +1 charisma. -3 constitution.
    winged, can fly.
    -20 fire resistance points, +20 air resistance points.
    A human elf hybrid.
    Forbidden love doesnt usually occur between species, but many of the most romantic tales involve a beautiful elf and a passionate human falling in love. It is of course only natural that eventually a baby is made in all of that romance, and so half-elves were born. At first both races scorned them as freaks of nature, but today half-elves are accepted in all but the most intolerant of human and elven settlements. Half-elves can be found all across the world among all sorts of sorts of people, but are not always noticeable as such, being neither completely elven nor human in looks. A keen eye however can see that half-elves do not have very pointy elvish ears and that some even have beards. They have retained some of the innate magic of the elves however, along with a human industriousness. This gives half-elves the ability to do well at all professions, although most choose to follow their elven love of nature as rangers and druids.
    immune to magical sleep.
    innate detect magic.
    automatically speak common and elvish.
    +1 nature and summoning complexity.
    +3 charisma.
    +5% bonus experience.
Mischievous magical spirits of nature.
    A winged race, small of stature and with keen minds.
    Pixies hail from the deepest and most enchanted forests of Alora. Gossamer winged faeries, pixies stand less than two feet in height. Their wings, skin and hair color vary from among all the colors of the rainbow, reflecting their expressive personalities. Pixies follow their childlike whim oblivious to all consequences. Pixies are notorious lawbreakers, and are often found breaking the restrictive laws of the human world for the sake of a good prank. However, this does not mean pixies as a race are evil. Pixies have a strong feeling for wrong or right. Regardless of their reputation, pixies usually integrate well with society. Their irrational, poetic, absurd, mystical and paradoxical nature fascinates many. Superstition has created a haven for pixies in the human world, where they are flooded with offerings for protection and good luck. Pixies often choose the calling of magic and excel especially in the arts of the mage, for the magical understanding of the pixie knows no equal.
    automatically speak common and sylvan.
    polymorph into a humanoid child at will (kinshape).
    magical flight.
    +2 to all magical complexities.
    +4 dexterity, +3 charisma.
    -4 strength, -2 constitution, -2 wisdom.
    Aquatic lake dwelling fey, slim and comely.
    Nixies are an aquatic version of small elves with pale green scaly skin, dark green hair and silvery eyes. They spend their lives protecting the same pure waters of the ponds and lakes they were born in. Nixies live in small burrows in the water and treat intruders of their home with suspicion and hostility. Nixies tend to be peaceful unless they are forced to protecting themselves or their territory. Nixies use their ability to charm creatures to have things done for them that they themselves could not accomplish due to their small stature. Once a charm is about to wear off, the creature is sent on its way and ordered to keep walking, so that they cannot remember their back to the Nixie's community.
    automatically speak common and sylvan.
    polymorph into a humanoid child at will (kinshape).
    can breathe water.
    +2 to all magical complexities.
    +3 dexterity, +4 charisma.
    -4 strength, -2 constitution, -2 wisdom.
    can cast 'create spring' at will.
    Vile seducers with bat like wings.
    An alluring race of unearthly beauty with demonic bat-like wings sprouting from their backs, Succubi and Incubi hail from the plane of nightmares, but often enter the realm of mortals to sample its delights. Succubi and Incubi take sensual delight in almost everything and are notorious for confusing lust with love. Folklore dictates that there is a dark relation between the carnal activities of both Succubi and Incubi, and it is said children born from relations with an Incubi are especially susceptible to demonic influence. With some exceptions, most Succubi and Incubi have a hard time controlling their carnal urges and are only tolerated in the shadier parts of town. Only a small percentage take to adventuring; hoping to find new delights to sample.
    automatically speak common and sylvan.
    +2 strength, +2 dexterity, +4 charisma.
    +5 magic resistance.
    innate spells: charm person, drain.
    Living tree spirit, protector of forests.
    Dryads are blessed with nymph-like beauty. Leaf textured hair blossoms over their burnished wood-skinned shoulders. Dryads detest wearing clothes, and only do so if its absolutely necessary. Popular belief holds that dryads are the protectors of trees, and even the souls of unjustly felled trees. Dryads fiercely oppose injustice, and it is this nature that sometimes lures them outside the trusted borders of their forests into the world of mortals. Dryads are generally very bright, but very shy and nave in the ways of the world. Mortals find them very alluring, and are often enchanted by their presence.
    automatically speak common and sylvan.
    +2 intelligence, +2 dexterity, +4 charisma, -3 strength.
    innate spells: charm person, entangle.
    Colorful communal fey, energetic and agile.
    Less than a few inches tall, Grig resemble small plump wood textured men with leafy hands, legs and ears and like to drape themselves in the most colorful garments. They are notoriously fast and use trained chipmunks, which give fast and safe transport through the forest treetops. Grig are highly communal, generally raising families of several hundred offspring. Grig tend to live in quiet, rural areas, and sometimes even in farmhouses and barns. Grigs are a very helpful and peaceful race; wherever they live, they help around, doing chores or keeping the forests in shape. Grig rarely leave their communities, but when they do they are welcomed into the mortal realm. Grig enjoy a very positive image as hard workers.
    automatically speak common and sylvan.
    -3 strength, +3 dexterity, +2 constitution.
    starts with the mount skill trained.
    starts with a fully grown saddled chipmunk.
    faster movement speed.
Inquisitive and quick speaking demi-human creatures.
    Forest Gnome
    Lone forest dweller. Smallest of all gnomes.
    Forest gnomes are the smallest of all gnomes, sporting dark hair and a bark-colored grey-green complexion. Very shy and elusive, forest gnomes prefer to live in burrows and hollowed out trees, depending on illusions to shield them from unwanted passers-by. They have a deep love for the forest. Forest gnomes are generally friendly but introvert, unable to handle attention very well. Forest gnomes shun other races and prefer to remain unseen. It is said forest gnomes have only to glance upon you to know your strength and weaknesses.
    automatically speak common and gnomish.
    +1 to enchantment complexity.
    -2 strength, +1 constitution, +2 wisdom
    +20 nature resistance points.
    innate spells: figment, deem
    Rock Gnome
    The common, surface city dwelling gnome.
    Rock Gnomes are a short, stocky race, similar to their dwarven cousins. They have a rich dark brown skin, which doesn't grow pale by lack of sun. Their attire is mostly earth-toned, richly embroidered, and usually adorned with finely crafted gnomish jewellery. Rock gnomes prefer living underground in burrow-like dwellings, which most dwarves scoff at, despite the skill and effort the gnomes put into it. They enjoy songs, laughter and practical jokes. They prefer an evening at home with a magical tome, a loaf of pipeweed bread and a cup of ale rather than venturing out to battle. Rock Gnomes have a knack for illusions, and are well versed in their studies of knowledge, magic and religions. Rock gnomes usually focus in the magical or clerical arts, though a few have ventured into the arts of thieving. Rock gnomes are on friendly terms with dwarves and halflings, but distrust most larger races. As a race they tend to shy away from contact with the surface world.
    automatically speak common and gnomish.
    +1 to enchantment complexity.
    -1 strength, +1 constitution, +2 wisdom
    can see through illusions. (invisibility)
    innate spells: figment
    improved hearing (increase chance to spot, 95% spot).
    can identify items on sight.
    Deep Gnome
    Secretive and mysterious deep-dwelling gnomes.
    Deep gnomes are a short, thin and gnarled race. They have rock colored skin, and while the males are usually bald, the females have pure white hair. Deep gnomes live in hidden underground communities in the deepest layer of the earth. Their hostile environment forces them to live a very reclusive and isolated life. Deep Gnomes have a knack for illusions, but have also developed extra abilities to protect against magic and detection. They sport an almost a sickly love for stone, precious metals and gems. Rock gnomes are an inherently good race but are usually harsh and distrustful towards outsiders. Even more so than their rock gnome brethren, they have practically no contact with the surface world.
    automatically speak common and gnomish.
    +1 to enchantment complexity.
    -2 strength, +1 constitution, +2 wisdom
    permanently affected by a spell of nondetection, blocking farsight.
    +5 spell resistance.
    innate spell: figment
    can sniff out ore and gems.
Short, quick and furry; mischevious and head-strong.
    Imperial Halfling
    Adapted to life in the crowded cities.
    Imperial Halflings have small bodies with long, thick limbs, and usually have very hairy feet. They are taller than their Meadow cousins however, probably from constantly standing on their tiptoes in the crowded cities of the taller races. They make their homes in human settlements with which they have a friendly relationship. Owing to a slightly skewed view of civilized fashion, Imperial Halflings happily wear bright and foppish clothing, but actually look quite garish to the rest of society. Imperial halflings are very open-minded but their disposition to borrow items without regard for the owners tends to get them into trouble quickly, though they are often saved in their schemes by their small stature, high agility and their uncanny luck. Imperial halflings love riddles and puzzles, and love the big cities in which they are very streetwise. They excel as city guides, bards or rogues.
    automatically speak common and halfling.
    -1 to all magical complexities.
    +2 bonus to saving throws.
    +2 bonus to lockpicking and trap disarming.
    +1 bonus to ranged attacks.
    -2 strength, +3 dexterity, +2 luck.
    Feral Halfling
    Strange and reclusive deep forest halflings.
    Feral halflings are a short but stout race. They sport a well tanned complexion. Both males as females braid their hair, wearing hides of animals as clothing. Feral halflings file their teeth, giving them a sharklike grin. Feral Halflings are fiercly territorial, harassing any traveller crossing their domain. Feral Halflings have difficulty relating to others, with only curiosity to help occasionally them overcome their xenophobia. Feral halfling are carnivorous, prefering their meat raw. Most live out their lives on the wide-open plains following the animal herds, but some have ventured into the forest. Feral halflings have had only occasional run-ins with the civilized world. Feral Halflings have an understanding with the wild elves, with whom they occasionally barter. Feral halflings have lost touch with magic but have developed their ranged hunting skills, making good warriors and rangers.
    automatically speak common and halfling.
    -1 to all magical complexities.
    +4 bonus to saving throws.
    +2 bonus to ranged attacks.
    +1 dexterity, +2 luck.
    Meadow Halfling
    Michievious and playful, live in meadow burrows.
    Meadow Halflings still look much like their Imperial cousins who left for the cities so long ago. They kept to their rural ways however, and enjoy tending to their farms and going hunting. Meadow Halflings are peaceful beings living in harmony with their neighbors. Some Meadow Halflings choose the path of adventuring, where they show great heroism, determination and incredible luck; but many Meadow Halflings are just as content to sit by the fire with a good book and a warm mug of cider. Like their brethren, Meadow halflings have slightly lost their touch with magic. They prefer the path of warrior, ranger or traveling bard.
    automatically speak common and halfling.
    +2 bonus to saving throws.
    +1 bonus to ranged attacks.
    -1 strength, +3 dexterity, +2 luck.
Notoriously ugly, vicious, and cruel.
    Small reptilian goblinoid with sadistic tendancies.
    Kobolds have glowing red eyes, scaly skin that ranges from dark rusty brown to rusty black, and a small tail they use to help maintain balance. Many kobolds live in dark places; usually underground locations such as a mine or in overgrown forests where they build small shelters in the base of large trees. Kobolds only fight when they have an obvious advantage, which is usually an unfair one. They will typically flee unless they have superior numbers. Kobolds hate most humanoids, being a naturally suspicious and paranoid race. They especially despise forest and rock gnomes with whom they often have to compete with for territory. A lot of the kobolds time is spent on fortifying the land around their lairs with traps and warning devices. They love to lure in travelers who have trespassed into their territory. A typical kobold lair usually has around ten adults and a few young who are cared for by the whole pack. Their main diet consists of plants and small animals, though kobolds will eat the occasional prisoner if need be.
    automatically speak common and orcish.
    -1 strength, +2 dexterity, -2 charisma.
    +2 bonus to trap disarming.
    +5% experience.
    large, squat and smelly; make exceptionally deadly warriors.
    Orcs are large with broad bodies. A ridged brow crowned by bushy eyebrows conceals small, squinting eyes. Their nose is snout-like, and their mouths are large, with crooked fangs. They generally have dark skin, which emanates a rancid odor. Although some have dabbled in the mystical arts due to a great thirst for power, most orcs are warriors. Brutal combat is the natural call that stirs in the heart of an orc. Long ago, as if steered by a dark hand, the brutal orc armies once flooded over into the nations of good, carving a permanent image of orcish violence into the minds of the people. Although controlled by a great mage then, orcs today still raid the civilizations of Alora, albeit on a small scale. Orcs tend to use any advantage they can get; they fight dirty, do not follow any rules of war, and enjoy setting ambushes. Orcs have no use for politics and diplomacy; they oppress their underlings and rule by fear alone. Orcs that try to live outside their territory usually find themselves scorned, and constantly fighting for a place in society.
    automatically speak common and orcish.
    -1 to all magical complexities.
    take no extra damage for being in an aggressive or berserk combat style.
    erupt in a feral rage when close to death.
    +2 damage reduction per level.
    +3 strength, -3 charisma.
    Tall, powerful and deadly in combat; the prototypical warrior.
    The typical Ogre stands from eight to ten feet tall in height and is known for its muscle-packed body that can weigh from three to four hundred pounds. Most are relatively hairless, their bodies are covered with small, boney growths, and their disproportionately long limbs give them a somewhat simian appearance. Usually solitary creatures, ogres form clans with whatever races they can muster. Ogres thrive in positions of power and control, using their strength and cunning to force their will upon weaker races. Ogres in power are unrelenting, cruel, and hard to dethrone, even by underhanded scheming. Ogres are gluttonous and belligerent, and being extremely territorial, most Ogres will readily engage in battle to establish superiority over anyone it encounters. Some Ogres settle in the civilized world, ruling kingdoms of crime from the shadows. Like orcs they have a very bad reputation, but know how to play society to suit their needs.
    automatically speak common and orcish.
    +1 physical and body complexity.
    carry capacity doubled.
    unaffected by alcohol.
    2 hitpoints per level bonus.
    +2 strength, +2 intelligence, +3 constitution
    -3 dexterity, -1 wisdom, -3 charisma
    Evil and mischievious critters of grotesque appearance.
    Goblins are humanoids who are short of stature, with a warty skin of varying putrid colors and usually wearing filthy drab clothes. Goblins are tribal, and inherently malicious. Goblins enjoy torture and plotting evil deeds more than anything. According to folklore, Goblins can weave nightmares out of gossamer and insert them into the ear of a sleeping human. This is owed largely to their prowess at sneaking about during the night, easily robbing their unsuspecting victims. Goblins derive stature among their own kind from hunting fey and devote much time to it. As such the goblin and fey have always been extremely volatile towards each other. In the civilized society, individual goblins are sometimes tolerated but often considered no better than vermin. Most goblins survive the streets by thieving or scurrying through trash, while many others join bandit groups.
    automatically speak common and orcish.
    +3 dex, +2 con, -1 str, -1 wis, -4 cha.
    +5% experience.
    increased skill in hiding and sneaking.
    A mixed breed between humans and orcs.
    Many horrific wars and raiding allowed the brutal ways of the Orcs to give rise to the involuntary mingling of Orcish and Human blood. Most members of this half-blooded race are distinctly more Orcish than Human in both appearance and behavior. Half-orcs are notoriously short tempered and their status in society doesn't make survival any easier for them. Half-Orcs are barely tolerated in human settlements, and most are killed outright by other Orcs. Though not as broad or powerful as full-blooded Orcs, Half-Orcs usually retain their wide bodies, longer limbs and heavier musculature. They have most of the same facial features, as well as the Orcish smelly body odor, and their presence disgusts the civilized races.
    automatically speak common and orcish.
    take no extra damage for being in an aggressive or berserk combat style.
    +2 strength, -2 charisma.
    +5% bonus experience.
    +1 damage reduction per level.
A solitary race, with regenerative abilities.
    Forest Troll
    Solidary forest hunter.
    Forest Trolls have very elongated and slanted facial characteristics, and their large gaunt, disfigured bodies are frightening to behold. The heavily scaled skin of the Forest Troll ranges in color from a charcoal grey to a deep, blackish green. They revel in the fright of their appearance, often wearing their hair in battle-braids and emblazoning themselves with brands and tattoos to accentuate the effect. Forest Trolls live mostly in the dark forests of Alora, where they live for the hunt. Often fighting for territory with Elves and other forest inhabitants. Forest Trolls can haunt a forest for centuries, maintaining their longevity through their powers of regeneration. Most are solitary creatures; gathering only to mate and band together in times of persecution. Forest trolls are very strong and resilient, but are not very intelligent or magically gifted. They are therefore mostly suited to the role of the fighter.
    faster hitpoint regeneration.
    wound regeneration.
    limb regeneration.
    automatically speak common and trollese.
    -1 to all magical complexities.
    +3 strength, +3 constitution
    -2 dexterity, -2 intelligence, -3 charisma
    -20 fire resistance points.
    Desert Troll
    Hardy trolls born from the desert sands.
    Tall and limber, these reddish skinned desert trolls have a grace and calm unbecoming of most trolls. Unlike their hostile brethren who rely on flesh and revel in violence, desert trolls are peaceful hunters and gatherers. Their passive disposition and helpful nature makes the desert trolls very respected by their neighboring civilizations. The rare fruits they occasionally cultivate are considered a delicacy and their ability to find and develop oases even in the heart of the desert allows them to settle where no others can. Desert Trolls enjoy traveling and exploring the world. Even with their hereditary magical handicap, desert Trolls prefer to be druids and rangers.
    faster hitpoint regeneration.
    wound regeneration.
    limb regeneration.
    automatically speak common and trollese.
    +1 nature complexity, -1 to all other complexities.
    +4 constitution
    -2 dexterity, -2 intelligence, -3 charisma
    -20 acid resistance points.
    can cast 'create food' at will.
    Mountain Troll
    The smallest but strongest of all trolls. Stone skinned.
    Mountain Trolls are carnivorous beasts, and are feared by many who live in the high regions of Alora. When hungry, these creatures are terrifying to behold, and will stop at nothing until their hunger is relieved. Mountain Trolls are fearless, and have little concern for pain or dying. They have large-toed feet, with three toes in the front, and one in the back. Their arms end in wide powerful hands with razor-sharp claws. A Rock Trolls skin is grey and sickly looking, but very thick. A Rock Troll has incredible strength and agility, being able to climb rock faces with ease and have the power to throw large boulders a great distance. Rock Trolls prefer to build their homes in dark places, such as caves, which are easily recognized by the stench of decaying carcasses that litter the outside of their lair.
    faster hitpoint regeneration.
    wound regeneration.
    limb regeneration.
    automatically speak common and trollese.
    -1 to all magical complexities.
    +4 strength, +2 constitution
    -2 dexterity, -2 intelligence, -3 charisma
    -20 air resistance points.
Mystical half-man half-beasts.
    Passionate and fierce half man half bull.
    No one knows exactly how these strange creatures came into being. Some suggest that it was perhaps the curse of a god, the spell of a powerful mage or perhaps even the inadvertent result of a farmer and his favorite cow. What is known however, is that minotaurs are one of the fiercest humanoid creatures in Alora. Although not numerous as a species, they make their presence felt where ever they live. Standing at around 10 feet tall with their huge muscles bulging and their sharp horns gleaming, they are truly an awesome sight to behold. There are few minotaur settlements in Alora, but they are typically found on the plains. Society in these settlements is controlled by a martial code of law, often ruled by the clan leader and his hunters. Minotaurs usually remain aloof from the world in general, considering many races to be weak and despising most magic users as a rule. As a true warrior race, most minotaurs excel as fighters and rangers, gaining an edge through their animal instincts.
    automatically speak common and animal.
    +5 str, +1 con, -3 int, -3 cha.
    ability to track.
    adds goring damage to headbutt and charge.
    Tribal half lizards, stronger in body than in mind.
    The members of this primitive reptilian race stand taller than most humans and are generally heavy muscled. Lizardmen prefer bays and lagoons along the coasts of Alora for their settlements, but they are also known to reside in mangrove swamps, marshes and even have some trading camps on dry land. They live in tribal bands and have a tightly knit social hierarchy. The society of Lizardmen stays largely veiled, due to the relative inaccessibility of their homes. Their lower intelligence and inability to read humanoid faces makes Lizardmen an easy target for criminals and others with bad intentions. As a matter of survival, Lizardmen have become extremely careful when dealing with land dwellers; it takes a lot of time to earn the trust of a Lizardman. Their unique habitat makes them almost unconquerable by any land dwelling creatures. The Lizardmen have always seemed uninterested in the dry land and as such the civilized world maintains a neutral and slightly tense relationship with them
    automatically speak common and animal.
    can breathe in water.
    acid spit attack.
    +30% acid resistance.
    +3 strength, +2 constitution, -4 intelligence
    Music and fun loving half-goat men.
    Satyrs are an inoffensive fun-loving race of half-human, half-goat creatures. Satyrs have the torso, head and arms of a human, and the hindquarters of a goat. Two ivory horns protrude from a Satyrs head, generally ranging from 2-3 inches in length for males, and 5-6 inches in length for females. The horns are viewed as a sign of social standing; often times seen decorated in jewellery or painted with complex patterns. A Satyr is generally only interested in pleasure; most of their days are spent frolicking in the grassy fields of their homeland, or wandering the forests, playing on their pipes. A Satyrs pipes are generally crafted from bone or wood, and are playable only by them. Their culture of music leads most Satyrs to become bards in the civilized world, if indeed they decide to leave their forest homes at all.
    automatically speak common and animal.
    +2 dexterity, +1 wisdom, +1 charisma, -2 constitution.
    can perform certain wind instrument songs.
    50% instrument cleaning and tuning.
    A cross between a gangly human and a bloated spider.
    Ettercaps have long, slender arms and legs protruding from a bloated body. Their eyes are bulbous and their bodies have sprouted thick sensitive hairs. It is thought that long ago a few druids living in the deep jungles of Alora bonded themselves to spiders. Over time their symbiotic relationship caused the druids to become what is now known as an ettercap, while their bonded spiders grew to enormous sizes. While losing some of the intelligence of their human ancestors, ettercaps have gained an arachnids strength and speed, and developed special glands that allow them to secrete poison and shoot silky webs. They are mostly solitary creatures; and living in the deep jungles and swamps of Alora, ettercaps live to pursue their instinctual fondness for hunting and trapping prey.
    automatically speak common and animal.
    +2 strength, +2 dexterity, +2 constitution.
    -4 intelligence, -2 charisma.
    melee attacks become poisonous.
    innate spell: web
    starts with a grown huge spider as a pet.
    The Artist
    Great learners and artists.
    Heroes born under this starsign tend to be great artists and sages, quick to learn and very creative. They often consume whatever crosses their path with passion.
    muse: +10% xp gained (stacks with human xp bonus).
    up to +5 luck.
    flee, recall, supplicate xp penalty halved.
    The Comet
    Blessed with incredible speed and agility.
    Heroes born under this starsign never seem to sit down. Thier urge to run ever faster makes them hard targets and wanted messengers.
    gain (up to) 10 high mobility.
    minimum mobility capped at 75 instead of 70.
    cover twice the normal distance with travel.
    no room-to-room walk delay.
    gains innate spell power: haste.
    up to 25 magic resistance on level.
    The Fool
    Blessed with almost supernatural luck.
    Heroes born under this starsign seem to have an inner balance (belied by an apparent clumsiness) that is coupled with incredible luck; so even when they trip they tend to break their fall on a stack of treasure.
    +25% chance of causing a critical.
    +25% goldfind, +10% treasurefind.
    +5 to all saving throws.
    +5 luck.
    The Heirophant
    Destined to be a deity's protege.
    Heroes born under this starsign have a strong divine presence and are often deeply religious. They claim to be in direct contact with their deity and quite often manifest stigmata.
    +5% magic complexity, +20% divine complexity.
    on depart/resurrect, your corpse appears before you.
    never drop their deity's favor below zero.
    slowly gain favor over time.
    wildsurge rate and spell fail rate reduced by half.
    The Hermit
    Born with transcendent sight.
    Heroes born under this starsign are born with a sixth sense, sensing beyond what a normal person can perceive.
    +8% magic complexities and +20% sensory complexity.
    reflect spells 20% of the time
    The Hero
    A champion with a broad range of abilities.
    Heroes born under this starsign are skilled in a little of everything. They are quick with a blade, skilled casters, good leaders and can even captivate an audience.
    +5% magic complexity, +5 attack and +5 mobility.
    Resistant to bloodloss
    able to control one extra normal summon.
    effect of bardic empathy doubled.
    +2 charisma.
    The Hospic
    bestowed with innate healing abilities.
    Heroes born under this starsign have supernatural healing abilities and are skilled practitioners of healing magic.
    +25% hitpoints.
    can restore hitpoints by expending mana or blood.
    faster wound healing.
    +30% body complexity.
    The Juggernaut
    Brutes and Bullies.
    Characters born under this starsign have a greater connection with the material plane, empowering every action with a mighty strength.
    +10% physical and body complexity.
    +2 attack rating.
    +10% spell, melee and range damage.
    The Knight
    great aptitude with arms and chivalry.
    Heroes born under this starsign are excellent fighters. Most have a preference for chivalry.
    add up to +5 melee attack.
    -1 second from weapon speed.
    15% balance bonus.
    gain +1 damage reduction/level.
    The Pentagram
    Inborn magical might.
    It has been said this starsign brought forth many spellcasters of legend. Characters born under this starsign have a strong connection with the rampant energy.
    +15% magic complexities.
    The Shadow
    born with ties to the night.
    Heroes born under this starsign have close ties with the night. By embracing the shadows they avoid damage and can even turn invisible at will.
    shadow dancing: avoid up to 1/3rd of all melee attacks.
    can turn invisible at will.
    permanent passdoor.
    The Void
    unable to wield magic.
    Heroes born under this starsign cannot use- or be affected by- magic. This gives them both a severe handicap and a huge advantage in this highly magical world.
    immune to almost all spells.
    obtains the innate spell: dispel magic.
    cannot cast magic or use potions.
Afflicted by a horrible disease, or gift.
    Bitten by a lycanthrope.
    It is not sure how the first lycanthrope came to be, whether it was a strange druidic spell gone wrong or the poisonous bite of some dark wolf long ago, but today lycanthropes perpetuate their kind by biting their victims and allowing their saliva to pass into the blood stream. The victim is changed forever, being able to transform into a wolf-like beast.
    shapeshift into dire- or werewolf at will (using spell: howl.)
    immune to vampyrism.
    direwolf stats +3 str, +5 dex, +3 con, -3 int, -3 wis.
    werewolf stats +1 str, +3 dex, -1 int, -1 wis.
    werewolf stats +75 blunt/pierce/slash, +20 other resistance points.
    Brain sucked out by a mindflayer larve.
    An illithid larvae has consumed your characters brain, absorbed your physical form and become sentient. Your character is like your chosen race, with the exception of having four octopus-like tentacles around a lamprey-like mouth, and requiring the brains of sentient creatures as part of its diet. The larvae also brings to its host all the mental abilities.
    +15 magic resistance.
    speaks telepathically.
    +8% overal and +20% mind complexity.
    Born a true Vampyr.
    Your character is a Vampyr from birth. Your parents were both descendants of the first Vampyr of your kind. As one of the Children of the night, you have been bestowed a curse no known spell, magic item or supernatural ability can cure.
    vampires: doubled bloodpoints as vampire.
    vampires: +30% blood complexity.
    race category changed to undead.
    unaffected by sunlight.
    Sacrificed life for everlasting undeath and powerful magic.
    Your character has converted itself into an undead state by means of black magic and necromancy, storing your soul in a magical receptical called a phylactery. You have sacrified your life, your abilities and memories in exchange for everlasting undeath and great magical potential.
    no experience penalty for departing.
    innate spell: animate dead
    +14% mind/physic/summon/enchant/sensory/blood/basic complexity.
    +9% body/divine/nature/defensive complexity.
    race category changed to undead.
    You are born from a tinker dwarves hands.
    You are born from a tinker dwarves hands. Your character is an artificially constructed creature of the chosen type. Unlike most constructs you have a mind of your own.
    race category changed to construct.
    +5 str, -2 dex, +2 int, -2 wis, -2 luck.
    cannot be healed; only repaired.
    does not need to eat.
    does not regenerate health.
    immune to sleep, poison and blind.
    +50 resistance points to stun and drain.
    Infected by Spores, turning you into a mushroom man.
    +10% magical complexity.
    +50% poison resistance.
    mages are named 'defiler'.
    automatic access to toxicology skill.
    increased finding of bottles of poison in chests.
    spells and weapons act as if imbued with a 'ois' rune.
    race category changed to plant.
    A magical mishap is slowly turning you into an ooze.
    +10% magical complexity.
    +50% acid resistance.
    mages are named 'alchemist'.
    automatic access to alchemy skill.
    increased finding of vials of corrosive in chests.
    spells and weapons act as if imbued with a 'cid' rune.
    race category changed to slime.
Born with draconic ancestry.
    Black Dragon
    Evil marsh dragon ancestor.
    warm marshes, chaotic evil, skull dragons. starts with thin small and glossy scales, end with larger thicker and duller scales.
    innate spell: acid breath
    innate spell: corrupt water
    innate spell: entangle
    +11% magical complexity.
    can breathe water.
    race category changed to dragon.
    Blue Dragon
    Evil desert dragon ancestor, vain and territorial.
    temparate deserts, lawful evil, vain and territorial, adept at digging through sand.
    innate spell: lightning breath
    innate spell: ventriloquate
    innate spell: create spring
    +11% magical complexity.
    race category changed to dragon.
    Green Dragon
    Evil forest dragon ancestor, belligerent and aggressive.
    Temparate forests, lawful evil, belligerent and tend to attack without provocation.
    innate spell: acid breath
    +11% magical complexity.
    can breathe water.
    race category changed to dragon.
    Red Dragon
    Evil mountain dragon ancestor, covetous and vain.
    Warm mountains, chaotic evil. covetous and vain.
    innate spell: fire breath
    innate spell: locate object
    +11% magical complexity.
    race category changed to dragon.
    White Dragon
    Evil mountain dragon ancestor, animalistic predator.
    cold mountains, chaotic evil, smallest and least intelligent of dragonkind, animalistic predators.
    innate spell: cold breath
    +11% magical complexity.
    race category changed to dragon.
    Brass Dragon
    Good desert dragon ancestor, notoriously talkative.
    Warm deserts, chaotic good, notoriously talkative.
    innate spell: fire breath
    +11% magical complexity.
    race category changed to dragon.
    Bronze Dragon
    Good hill dragon ancestor, inquisitive.
    Temparate hills, lawful good, inquisitive and enjoy polymorphing into small friendly animals to observe adventurers. they are facsinated by warfare, eagerly joining an army for a just cause- and good pay.
    innate spell: lightning breath
    innate spell: shapeshift
    +11% magical complexity.
    can breathe water.
    race category changed to dragon.
    Copper Dragon
    Good hill dragon ancestor, incorrigible pranksters.
    warm hills, choatic good, incorrigible pranksters, joke tellers, and riddlers. Typical powers: spider climb
    innate spell: acid breath
    +11% magical complexity.
    race category changed to dragon.
    Gold Dragon
    Good plain dragon ancestor, graceful and wise.
    warm plains, lawful good, graceful, sinuous, and wise. they hate injustice and foul play. Ability scores: alternate form, water breathing, luck bonus, detect gems
    innate spell: fire breath
    innate spell: shapeshift
    +11% magical complexity.
    can breathe water.
    can sniff out ore and gems.
    race category changed to dragon.
    Silver Dragon
    Good mountain dragon ancestor, regal and statuesque.
    Temparate mountains, lawful good. regal and stauesque, cheerfully assist good creatures that are in genuine need and often take humanoid forms.
    innate spell: cold breath
    innate spell: shapeshift
    +11% magical complexity.
    race category changed to dragon.
You are Genasi; born with elemental ancestry.
    Air Elemental
    Air Elemental Ancestor, dreams and flight.
    Characters born under this starsign have a tendancy to be great dreamers. They tend to be obsessed by flight and their life revolves around the sky.
    +10% magical complexity.
    +50 air resistance points.
    mages are named 'airomancer'.
    automatic access to airomancy skill.
    magical flight.
    spells and weapons act as if imbued with a 'dis' rune.
    Earth Elemental
    Earth Elemental Ancestor, slow and meticulous.
    +10% magical complexity.
    +50 earth resistance points.
    mages are named 'geomancer'.
    automatic access to geomancy skill.
    identify minerals on sight (mine prospecting).
    spells and weapons act as if imbued with a 'tor' rune.
    Fire Elemental
    Fire elemental ancestor. impulsive, bored easily.
    +10% magical complexity.
    +50 fire resistance points.
    mages are named 'pyromancer'.
    automatic access to pyromancy skill.
    completely immune to effects of lava rooms on gear.
    spells and weapons act as if imbued with a 'fir' rune.
    Lightning Elemental
    Lightning Elemental ancestry, hungers for power.
    +10% magical complexity.
    +50 electricity resistance points.
    mages are named 'maelstrom'.
    automatic access to kinetics skill.
    obtains the innate spell: recharge.
    spells and weapons act as if imbued with a 'tri' rune.
    Water Elemental
    Water elemental ancestor, extreme personality.
    +10% magical complexity.
    +50 cold resistance points.
    mages are named 'hydromancer'.
    automatic access to hydromancy skill.
    breathe water.
    spells and weapons act as if imbued with a 'ter' rune.
Born from an outerworldy being.
    Angelic Ancestor
    Descended from an otherworldy being of pure good.
    Characters with this ancestry are descended from a being of pure good (including Good deities); although their ancestor may be many generations removed, their presence still lingers. Most of the time they are predisposed to Good.
    +15% mind/divine/defensive/sensory/basic complexity.
    +50 divine resistance points.
    strength -1, dexterity -1, charisma +2, luck +1.
    sacrifice: can sacrifice self to 'restore' all party members.
    gliding flight.
    race category changed to holy.
    automatic skill: theology
    Demonic Ancestor
    Descended from an otherworly being of pure evil.
    Characters with this ancestry are descended from demons and other creatures of pure evil alignment (including Evil deities); although their evil ancestor may be many generations removed, the taint still lingers. Most of the time they are predisposed to Evil.
    +15% body/nature/physical/summoning/basic complexity.
    +50% scourge resistance.
    strength +1, dexterity +1, constitution +1, charisma -2, luck -1.
    gliding flight.
    race category changed to unholy.
    automatic skill: occult
hardy planar slaves with superior survival instincts.
Slaves to outerworldy beings your ancestors have been bred for several dozen generations. Your character is the end result of many years of selective or experimental breeding. Intended for planar mining, the Thrall are left on planes to fend on their own, occasionally visited and 're-educated' by their masters. You are an uncommon Thrall. Maybe your master has forced you to do more wordly missions, maybe you escaped or maybe your master is no longer alive. Whatever the case, Alora is an alien but easy place for you to survive.
+2 str, +2 dex, +1 int, +2 con, -2 cha,

Last edited by Celeborn on Sat Mar 11, 2006 8:29 pm, edited 5 times in total.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 8:18 pm 
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celeborn wrote:
Born dead, slowly reverting to lich form.
Born dead, slowly reverting to lich form.
no experience penalty for departing.
innate spell: animate dead
+15% mind/physic/summon/enchant/sensory/blood/basic complexity.

For the love of god, don't make Liches, the coolest thing ever, gimp. Make them hard to become, but at least give them better bonuses than the dragons.

Edit: to clarify, body is, overall, the most important complexity in the game. Divine and mind are also important; lacking bonuses in all of these complexities will give liches shoddy MR- and speed-boosting spells, making them rather bad spellcasters. They will also be slow and vulnerable to magic. No xp penalty for departing is not a major bonus, just a minor perk.

Liches are supposed to be incredibly powerful and tough spellscasters, please make their stats reflect this. It is also supposed to be difficult to become a lich, so by all means make it require a quest or something else difficult to become one.

Further edit: To clarify, I realize that the fact my entire post is a complaint and a suggestion to change something makes it look like I have a negative opinion of the patch, but I don't. Overall, the patch is great and I can't wait to see it go in, the Lich is just something I'd really like to see become suitably powerful.

Guns don't kill people; I do!

Last edited by Nuitari on Tue Feb 28, 2006 11:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 9:39 pm 

Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2004 7:55 am
Posts: 38
When i saw lich in the other thread i was expecting some badass that would be near impossible to obtain and make mobs crap themselves with a blink.
No xp loss on departing is a small perk, animate dead is most likely a novelty spell and there's no body complex. If their race counts as undead(immune to crit undead) then i guess that's handy but still leaves them lacking.

At a glance most of the dragons seem very powerful.

The Hero is slightly more appealing since the complex isn't static now, but probably only if i was a bard/druid.


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PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 10:47 pm 
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Woah, all the dragons get innate breath? That seems a tad overpowered to me, but, i donno.... errmm.. will it be stronger as you level? like... every 10 levels kind of = adding a fec to it or something?

Check it ouuuuut


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 11:10 pm 

Joined: Mon Sep 20, 2004 10:03 pm
Posts: 489
I have to agree with the comments so far about lich and dragons. Dragons seem damn powerful on their own, depending how strong their breath is. I would suggest changing dragons to being a high epic bonus to the elemental starsigns themselves so that your complexities raise and/or you are granted innate breath. For lich, I would suggest giving them +15% across the board, but lower their strength and constitution (how strong are their bodies physically?), while giving a quest to gain this immortality (the ancestry).

Quintos Aelon, Progenitor of the Aelon line


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PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 10:31 am 
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I rather remove lich as an ancestry than making them the only choice.


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PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 11:08 am 
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Chilliwack wrote:
Woah, all the dragons get innate breath? That seems a tad overpowered to me, but, i donno.... errmm.. will it be stronger as you level? like... every 10 levels kind of = adding a fec to it or something?

You do not get it from level 1. And yes, all innate spells grow in power as you level.


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PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 1:57 pm 
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Celeborn wrote:
I rather remove lich as an ancestry than making them the only choice.

Right now, dragon is the only choice. I'd rather have something cool like lich as the "only choice" than something as overused as dragons.

Just give lich complexity bonus equal to the highest overall complexity bonus any other ancestry gets, or give them the 15% overall, then give lich some defensive bonuses instead of the other bonuses that ancestry gets.

For example:

Black Dragon
line of Acid
warm marshes, chaotic evil, skull dragons. starts with thin small and glossy scales, end with larger thicker and duller scales.
innate spell: acid breath
innate spell: corrupt water
innate spell: entangle
+12% magical complexity.
can breathe water.


-4 str, +2 con, -2 dex, +4 int, -2 wisdom, -4 cha

Replace acid breath with +25 dr
Replace corrupt water with +50 hp
replace entangle with + 5 mr
leave the +12% complexity the same or raise it to 15%
remove water breathing
add a -2 to mind/body/divine/whatever you think lich should be weak in
-5 to attack and armor class if the lich gets the 15% complexity(15% would mean they're the best spellcasters, so they can be weaker warriors)

There, that gives you a cool lich that's roughly equal in power to the black dragon. If you nerf the dragon, nerf the lich too.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 3:48 am 
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did anyone notice the lines in lich and titan were there twice?
also i love it so far all but a few things on the ancestorys, Titan is kinda... well never going to be picked for anyone that is planing on becoming any good. and i do agree dragons are a little overpowerd, but i can tell you this, they wont be the ONLY choice, as for me on nimi, i will be going: Race - Moon Elf, Star sign - The Hospic, Ancestry - Demonic Ancestor. Nimi is a Spiritualist. but i too agree that Lich is slightly weaker that i thought it would be, but giving it 15% in all complexitys would be a bit much. if your going to give maby a -2 str, -2 con, -2 dex, -4 cha then 15% should be ok, if not then i would say just 15% in the ones listed and maby a 5% in all the others


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PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 3:44 pm 
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I think you'll find the latest incarnation of liches more than fair compared to the other ancestries (although not over the top like suggested). I've balanced dragons with the rest of the ancestries, removed Titans, and performed some minor tweaks to lycanthropes and vampyres.

You'll be happy to hear we're done with describing the races and might even start public testing this weekend. (or within two weeks, *cackle*)

If anyone is up for it, I would love some assessments or grades for each race/starsign/ancestries.


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PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 4:31 pm 

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Lich need a -str, -dex, -con, and a huge -cha.

-2, -2, -2, -8

I think would be appropriate. They're spell casting undead.


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PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 5:04 pm 

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I'll start with the races:

Human: 95/100 for an ofenssive caster, 75/100 for everybody else.
Very nice for a caster if they intend on getting more than 600 levels than what they have now, as it gives them a complexity bonus, basically.

Phasian: 60/100.
Half experience bonus. Runewalk anywhere and extra slots is nifty, but not needed, or all that helpful to anybody but perhaps voids.

Zion: 1/100.
Legacy race, for people looking to maintain image only.

Gray dwarf: 65/100
Nice enchantment bonus in the form of top end str/con, and some resistance points. Some MR too, is nice. Overall though, there is no reason not to pick other races.

Gerp: 68/100
Lots of enchant space. Still, no reason not to pick other things.

Gully dwarf: 38/100
Complexity penalty from stats, bad benefits.

Tinker dwarf: ?/100
Depends entirely on how their tinkering works.

Mountain dwarf: ?/100
Depends entirely on how good canonball is.

Wood elf: 60/100
A mobility point and some useful but not overall complexity. Meh.

Wild elf: 64/100
Almost identical to wood elf. Little bit better from AR/str

Moon elf: 70/100
Some complexity. Nice, but theres still better.

Dark elf: 70/100
Less complexity, but has MR. About the same as Moon elf.

Winged elf: 55/100
Odd resists, annoying to balance back out. A little complexity. Innate fly is useless at the high end.

Half-Elf: 65/100
Yay for experience, but you might as well go human or fey if you want experience/complexity.

Pixie: 95/100 for offensive casters, 70/100 for everybody else.
Complexity is very nice. Either this or another fey or human, depending on how much you intend on going into epics.

Nixie: 94/100 for offensive casters, 68/100 for everybody else.
Identical to Pixie, but with slightly worse stats.

Succubus: 61/100.
Nice stats. Some MR doesn't hurt. But overall ho-hum.

Dryad: 30/100
Nothing but stats. Yuck.

Grig: 50/100.
Faster movement is nice, and squirrels...Well, whatever. Pick it if you like.

Forest Gnome: 45/100.
Some enchant space. Bleh.

Rock Gnome: 55/100.
The spot bonus is pretty much it. But thats not so bad.

Deep Gnome: 80/100
Hell yes. You can't be farsighted. Very very nice. Plus some MR.

Feral/Imperial Halfling: Almost identical. 10/100
-1 complexity makes me cringe at them.

Meadow Halfling: 30/100
No notable bonuses.

Kobold: 55/100
Experience benefits coupled with nothing else of note. Might as well pick human or something else, if you want experience.

Orc: 58/100
Damage reduction is nice, so is feral rage. The no extre damage from agg/berserk is great, but the -1 complexity spoils the whole thing.

Ogre: 50/100
Some nifty complexities, and some enchant space bonuses. Nothing of note.

Goblin: 68/100
A bonus to hide and sneak is useful, and the experience isn't bad.

Half-Orc: 99/100
Awesome for everybody but pure offensive casters that never use weapon damage. The no extra damage from agg/berserk is effectively a percentage hp bonus. The damage reduction is nice as well, AND they get an experience bonus. To top it all off, they have no penalties except for charisma, and charisma has no bearing on anything important.

Trolls: 67/100
Limb regen is very nice, even if it's slow. To counter that, they have a lot of enchantment penalty, and less complexity.

Minotaur: 60/100, variable depending on goring damage.
Not bad. Lots of strength, track, and an additional ability.

Lizardman: 55/100
Mediocre enchantment bonus.

Satyr: 40/100
Bard songs are largely useless except for one or two, and if they had those ones, satyr's would be overpowered. Nothing else.

Ettercap: 50/100
Poisonois melee attacks could be interesting, so could the web spell, but it all depends on how useful it is.

There is really no reason not to pick Half-Orc, Human, Pixie/Nixie or perhaps Deep Gnome if you really really don't like being farsighted. Everything else is meh. Half-Orc most of all, is especially drawing, because of the percentage hp bonus. The differences are smallish compared to starsigns and ancestries, but they are still there.


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PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 6:17 pm 
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Imperial Human - 10% Xp is a nice bonus. I don't personally like XP bonuses, as they make you weaker than people of your level, but that's just preferance.

Phasian - It's like imperial human, but trading power for convenience. It's useful, but runewalk slots are not powerful at all, so this race will probably never be picked for serious characters. You just can't compare minor convenience to actual power.

Zion - Useless. If this is a selectable race, no serious character will use it. If Zion is not to be selectable and this is just a template to apply to existing Zions(which is what I would prefer), it's fine.

Gray Dwarf - A solid choice, though probably not one of the best. I would call this race well-balanced.

Gerp - Definitely one of the best races; that's a lot of free resists. I wouldn't go so far as to say they're overpowered, though.

Gully Dwarf - I don't see why anyone would pick this race, except to be funny. The bonuses are all useless or near-useless.

Tinker Dwarf - Either useless or a must-have on one of your alts, depending on how the "can invent additions to existing objects" works.

Mountain Dwarf - Maybe the cannonball thing will be useful, but I doubt it's enough to make this race anything more than a funny gimmick.

Wood Elf - A decent choice, though not powerful unless sleep plays a large role in PvP in the future. This probably won't be picked for its power, but it wouldn't be a big liability either.

Wild Elf - Pretty much the same as Wood Elf; a decent choice.

Moon Elf - Better than the two previous elves and one of the better race choices.

Dark Elf - A good choice; this is probably one of the best races available.

Aquatic Elf - Not a bad choice, but inferior to other elves.

Winged Elf - Same as Aquatic Elf

Half-Elf - A great choice; probably the best elf and one of the best overall races.

Pixie - A good race, definitely one of the better choices.

Nixie - Slightly better than Pixie because water breathing can't be enchanted on gear.

Succubus - Not bad, but the other +5 MR races seem better.

Dryad - Worthless, unless innate spells give you the ability to add runes to the spell as if you had its complexity at a 1/level rate and 1/30 elvel rate.

Grig - Depends entirely on how good "faster movement speed" is.

Forest Gnome - I don't think being resistant to trees, bears, campfires, and falling off cliffs makes for a good race.

Rock Gnome - Everyone has detect invisibility and spot seems to work reliably without a racial bonus, plus there's truesight. Not really a good race.

Deep Gnome - 5 MR is nice. Immunity to farsight will probably be incredibly useful in PvP; this is one of the races I'm considering choosing.

Imperial Halfling - It sucks AND it has a stupid name. I suppose that it might be good if the rogue skills it raises are ever made to be good.

Feral Halfing - +4 to your saves is cool, I guess, but -1 to your complexities isn't. +2 range attack is pretty negligible.

Meadow Halfling - I don't forsee this race being picked for...well, anything.

Kobold - It's a human with less XP bonus.

Orc - Probably the best race available and one of the races I am considering picking.

Ogre - Not really bad, but on the low end of average. I don't think this will be picked for any serious characters.

Goblin - Not a bad choice; a potentially good skill bonus backed up by a nifty XP bonus.

Half-Orc - Being half each of two of the best races makes this one of the best race choices out there.

All Trolls - Their bonuses are pretty useless and their complexity penalty sucks, so they aren't really a powerful choice. Nonetheless, this is the race I'm probably going to pick just because regenerating your limbs is cool.

Minotaur - Depends on how good the goring damage is. Track isn't really useful.

Lizardman - Acid spit will most likely be either useless or incredibly powerful, depending on how it's implemented. This race hinges on which of those two extremes is chosen.

Satyr - It depends on which songs they get and what skill, if any, they get in instruments/lore/empathy; this could end up being a good race or a worthless one.

Ettercap - It really depends on how the poison attack and web are implemented; these could be either really good or really bad.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 6:23 pm 

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There're so many races that it's hard to balance it all. Ideas are limited before something repeats itself. I would hate to be in the programer's shoes and come up with a variety of ideas to make the races unique.

Perhaps the efficient method to make each race unique would be race interaction and race benefits as another consideration when picking race; something to think about other than stats and being most "fit". This could include hostile/friendly race, race-requirement equipments, quest, etc.


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PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 6:34 pm 

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Isn't a -1 complex not that huge of a penalty esp when compared to say +11% on all complexes that a strsign gives?


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PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 6:38 pm 

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The Artist: 10/100
Experience is all you get. Way too weak compared to the other starsigns to ever pick. It's bonus is on the same level as the human race.

Comet: 5/100
Unless the built in haste spell is absolutely ridiculous, this starsign is also not worth picking.

The Fool: 30/100
A workable starsign, if you want to get lots of chests. Thats it. Not usable for any serious characters. The +25% crit bonus does not work out to be a very big damage bonus in most situations.

The Heirophant: 48/100
Wildsurge/spell failure reduced is very nice, but theres just not enough magic to make it useful, especially considering the extra complexity from other starsigns equates into the same thing as long as you leave a buffer at the end of your important spells.

The Hermit: 1/100
Completely useless. Reflecting spells will annoy people, nothing more. Sensory is useful...But only for truesight, and they get that innate anyway, so whats the point?

The Hero: 65/100
Nice enchantment bonuses, and some magic, but still not really workable compared to some of the others.

The Hospic: 30/100
Lots of hp and the ability to exchange mana for more. Maybe merge this with the void, and get rid of the body complexity?

The Juggernaut: 73/100
Lots of extra damage is fun and nice, but they don't get the overall magic complexity to make it worth it.

The Knight: 55/100
A little bit faster, and a little bit more balance. Much weaker than it used to be in prior versions, and not worth picking.

The Pentagram: 95/100
Still the only worth worth realling picking. Lots more complexity than every other starsign.

The Shadow: 40/100
give yourself more hp, basically. Static dodge rate still can't compare to pentagram.

Void: 10/100
Merge this with hospic and it might be interesting and workable.

The Womb: 70/100
+25 MR is very useful, but at high levels you can be immune to magic from spells regardless of whether or not you have the 25 MR. Weaker version of Pentagram.

Last edited by weems on Thu Mar 02, 2006 6:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 6:42 pm 

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Jerardo wrote:
There're so many races that it's hard to balance it all. Ideas are limited before something repeats itself. I would hate to be in the programer's shoes and come up with a variety of ideas to make the races unique.

I agree with you about the races. They are more nit-picky than the starsigns/ancestries because the bonuses are smaller. Still, he asked for grades. Some are still clearly a lot better than others.

Isn't a -1 complex not that huge of a penalty esp when compared to say +11% on all complexes that a strsign gives?

It's not that huge, but when you compare it to other races (like a pixie's +2, or an experience bonus), you are looking at a difference of almost 100 epic levels.


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PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 8:06 pm 
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This analysis is from a pk viewpoint.

Imperial Human : +10% bonus experience. Level quickly + other stackable points making them a lvling whore.
- weak against people of same level. In other words, highly dependent of epic points. Fast lvling translate to time saving. If you are patient then this race is not a good race for you.

+10 extra runewalk destination slots.
+5% bonus experience.
translation: time saving, get rid of little anoyances but will not save your ass in battles.

communicates with telepathic powers.
-1 constitution, +1 wisdom.
translation: absolutely no bonus. useless.

Gray Dwarf
+2 strength, +3 constitution, -4 charisma, -1 dexterity
+20 poison resistance points.
+5 spell resistance.
translation: +4 stats = 1000 enchantment space
poison resistance may be useless if the enemy use something else besides poison. spell resistance is ok, but not too great.

+60 slash resistance points, +10 blunt resistance points.
+1 strength, +3 constitution, -2 charisma, -1 dexterity
translation: resistance = at least 17500 enchantment space + 3 stats = 750 enchantment space. Total Enchantment space = at least 18250 enchantment space. This is a grip of free enchantment space.

Gully Dwarf
regeneration via alcohol.
+4 constitution.
-4 charisma, -4 intelligence, -2 wisdom.
+2 attack with range weapons.
translation: -2 stats = -500 enchantment space. + 2 range with weapons will allow you to get the first hit sometimes depending on who you are fighting. I dont know how effective is alcohol regeneration so i can not comment on it. Overall, it seems useless. Only good for mining.

Tinker Dwarf
+2 con, +3 int, -2 cha.
can invent additions to existing objects.
translation: +5 stats=1250 enchantment space. I dont how useful it is to invent things. I wouldnt pick this race to be my pk character from what i know.

Mountain Dwarf
cannonball attack initiation.
+2 strength, +3 constitution, -2 charisma, -1 dexterity
translation: +4 stats=1000 enchantment space. I dont know how effective cannonball is. From what i know, not worth it.

Wood Elf
innate detect magic.
+1 nature and summoning complexity.
+2 sight distance on map.
+3 dex, +1 cha, -1 int, -1 con.
translation: detect magic = usless in pk. + sight = usless in battles. +1 stat=250 enchantment space. + 1 nature and +1 summoning =usless. +1 wont make much of a difference. Other races can easily make up from epicing. Conclusion: not good for pvp.

Wild Elf
immune to magical sleep.
innate detect magic.
+1 nature and summoning complexity.
+2 strength, +1 dexterity, +1 charisma, -2 intelligence.
+2 range attack bonus.
translation: + complexity =useless. +250 enchantment space = too low. +2 range attack = maybe useful at battle initiation of battle but still not good enough to be an effective killer.

Moon Elf
+1 to all magical complexities, +2 to nature and summoning.
+2 dexterity, +2 charisma, +2 intelligence, -2 constitution.
translation: +500 enchantment space. +3 to nature summoning = onlygood if you plan on using elementals. if not then this class is useless.

Dark Elf
immune to magical sleep.
innate detect magic.
+1 body and summoning complexity.
+1 dexterity, +3 intelligence, +1 charisma. -2 constitution.
can see in the dark.
+5 magical resistance
translation: nice magic resistance, but not high enough to save you against an all magical foe. +500 enchantment space. immune to sleep is useless in pk(i think). conclusion: Crappy.

Aquatic Elf
+1 nature and summoning complexity.
+3 dexterity, +1 charisma. -2 constitution.
can breathe under water.
+20 water resistance points, -20 earth resistance points.
translation: water and earth resistances cancel out so no additional bonus. breath under water can easily be fixed by aqua breath. +250 enchantment space = too low. +1 complexity = not worth it. Conclusion: Crap.

Winged Elf
immune to magical sleep.
innate detect magic.
+1 nature and summoning complexity.
+4 dexterity, +1 charisma. -3 constitution.
winged, can fly.
-20 fire resistance points, +20 air resistance points.
translation: +250 enchantment space = too low. resistances cancel out so really no bonus. makes no sense that a flying creature is immune to air. The rest is useless. conclusion:crap.

automatically speak common and elvish.
+1 nature and summoning complexity.
+3 charisma.
+5% bonus experience.
translation: crappy human race. useless

polymorph into a humanoid child at will (kinshape).
magical flight.
+2 to all magical complexities.
+4 dexterity, +3 charisma.
-4 strength, -2 constitution, -2 wisdom.
translation: humanoid child takes away the size penalty. +2 to magical complexity is definitely better than the elves. -4 stats = -1000 enchantment space. Note: extra complexity can easily make up 1000 enchantment space with fortifying spells. conclusion: hard to tell.

polymorph into a humanoid child at will (kinshape).
can breathe water.
+2 to all magical complexities.
+3 dexterity, +4 charisma.
-4 strength, -2 constitution, -2 wisdom.
can cast 'create spring' at will.
translation: -5 stats =1250 enchantment space. +2 complexity may boost spells to make up for the lost of enchantment spaces.

automatically speak common and sylvan.
+2 strength, +2 dexterity, +4 charisma.
+5 magic resistance.
innate spells: charm person, drain.
translation: +4 stats=1000 enchantment space. Charm and drain = who doesnt have that? I dont quite understand innate spells completely, so it is hard to comment on innate spells. drain and charm may even be useful in Pvp so it is hard to say.

+2 intelligence, +2 dexterity, +4 charisma, -3 strength.
innate spells: charm person, entangle.
translation; +250 enchantment space. I dont know about the effectiveness of the spells in battles. Since there are no other bonuses, the spells better be good otherwise they would also be useless.

-3 strength, +3 dexterity, +2 constitution.
starts with the mount skill trained.
starts with a fully grown saddled chipmunk.
faster movement speed.
tranlation: 500 enchantment space. mount= usless in the long run. pet are usually useless but we'll have too see how dangerous these chipmunks are. faster movement speed is good for retreating. Hit and retreat tactic might be useful. Of couse, this is usefless against a foe with a good haste. therefore useless.
and quick speaking demi-human creatures.

Forest Gnome
+1 to enchantment complexity.
-2 strength, +1 constitution, +2 wisdom
+20 nature resistance points.
innate spells: figment, deem
translation: 250 enchantment space. Nice nature resistance but will not be good enough to save you in battles. +1 complex is not good enough, might as well make a pixie type.

Rock Gnome
+1 to enchantment complexity.
-1 strength, +1 constitution, +2 wisdom
can see through illusions. (invisibility)
innate spells: figment
improved hearing (increase chance to spot, 95% spot).
translation: +500 enchantment space. the rest crap.

Deep Gnome
+1 to enchantment complexity.
-2 strength, +1 constitution, +2 wisdom
permanently affected by a spell of nondetection, blocking farsight.
+5 spell resistance.
innate spell: figment
translation: +250 enchantment space. If stayed hidden from players then it is extremely advantages in pvp. but if it is detectable by players easily then it is a useless kill. +5 spell resistance is nice. This might be a fearsome pvp race if nondetection means nondetection by players.

Imperial Halfling
-1 to all magical complexities.
+2 bonus to saving throws.
+2 bonus to lockpicking and trap disarming.
+1 bonus to ranged attacks.
-2 strength, +3 dexterity, +2 luck.
translation: +750 enchantment space. the rest useless. good for epiccing for treasures.If the saving throws include reflex, fortitude+willpower then these guys get an additional 1200 enchantment space. The total enchantment space is 1950 enchantment space. Not bad compared to other races

Feral Halfling
+2 bonus to saving throws.
+1 bonus to ranged attacks.
-1 strength, +3 dexterity, +2 luck.
translation: 1000 enchantment space. the rest of the bonuses are not good enough. If the saving throws include reflex, fortitude+willpower then these guys get an additional 1200 enchantment space. The total enchantment space is 2200 enchantment space. better than the one above.

-1 strength, +2 dexterity, -2 charisma.
+2 bonus to trap disarming.
+5% experience.
translation: -250 enchantment space. save leverling time. Nothing useful for pvp. truely ****.

-1 to all magical complexities.
take no extra damage for being in an aggressive or berserk combat style.
erupt in a feral rage when close to death.
+2 damage reduction per level.
+3 strength, -3 charisma.
translation: +extra health, + extra damage, + extra chance of crits. +free offensive blow at low health. + extra armor. +750 enchantment space. HOLY CRAP. This race is clearly the best of all the other races examined so far. Awesome Pvp character.

+1 physical and body complexity.
carry capacity doubled.
unaffected by alcohol.
2 hitpoints per level bonus.
+2 strength, +2 intelligence, +3 constitution
-3 dexterity, -1 wisdom, -3 charisma
translation: + HP, +750 enchantment space. a little perk with complexity, but not enough to matter.

+3 dex, +2 con, -1 str, -1 wis, -4 cha.
+5% experience.
increased skill in hiding and sneaking.
translation: +750 enchantment space. the rest are useless in pvp

+2 strength, -2 charisma.
+5% bonus experience.
+1 damage reduction per level.
translation: +500 enchantment space. + armor(nice)=+HP. Not bad compared to many other races.

Forest Troll
faster hitpoint regeneration.
wound regeneration.
limb regeneration.
automatically speak common and trollese.
-1 to all magical complexities.
+3 strength, +3 constitution
-2 dexterity, -2 intelligence, -3 charisma
-20 fire resistance points.
translation: +500 enchantment space. Has fire weakness that magic users will quickly take advantage of. regeneration =+HP. Since battles dont last very long most of the time therefore the HP regenerated during battle is not enough to make much of a difference. Limb regeneration is extremelyuseful, BUT regeneration rate is too slow during battle making them useless. Also, all magic users who can cast regeneration has this bonus automatically so really this perk isnt a bonus when everyone else already has it. This race is good for hit and run so that HP can regenerate but then enemies can so heal while you are away so that defeats the purpose. Crappy.

Desert Troll
faster hitpoint regeneration.
wound regeneration.
limb regeneration.
automatically speak common and trollese.
+1 nature complexity, -1 to all other complexities.
+4 constitution
-2 dexterity, -2 intelligence, -3 charisma
-20 acid resistance points.
can cast 'create food' at will.
translation: regeneration not fast enough to make a difference. acid penalty means death. Worst combination. Probably one of the worst races.

Mountain Troll
faster hitpoint regeneration.
wound regeneration.
limb regeneration.
automatically speak common and trollese.
-1 to all magical complexities.
+4 strength, +2 constitution
-2 dexterity, -2 intelligence, -3 charisma
-20 air resistance points.
translation: +500 enchantment space. Has weakness that others will take advantage of. regeneration will not regenerate fast enough to make up for extra air damage. CRAPPY

+5 str, +1 con, -3 int, -3 cha.
ability to track.
adds goring damage to headbutt and charge.
stranlation: +750 enchantment space. track is useful but wont save your life in battles. I dont know how good is extra damage in headbutt and charge.

can breathe in water.
acid spit attack.
+30% acid resistance.
+3 strength, +2 constitution, -4 intelligence
translation: breathing underwater is not a bonus, everyone can do that. acid resistance is not a bonus because people just simply avoid using acid when fighting you. +250 enchantment space. Acid spit attack might be very nice. Enemies get nervous when their equ is in ruin. I dont know how good acid spit is, but it seems that lizardmen have no bonuses.

+2 dexterity, +1 wisdom, +1 charisma, -2 constitution.
can perform certain wind instrument songs.
50% instrument cleaning and tuning.
translation: +250 enchantment space. I dont know anything about instruments so hard to say. Unless you are planning on doing something with a bard, this race is not for you.

+2 strength, +2 dexterity, +2 constitution.
-4 intelligence, -2 charisma.
melee attacks become poisonous.
innate spell: web
starts with a grown huge spider as a pet.
translation: +500 enchantment space. poisonous melee attack? hrm. Webs spell? hrm. Very hard to comment on this one because i dont know the effectiveness of these skills. Pet might be useless in pvp. Someone can stump you witha dragon or a gryphon.



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PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 8:17 pm 
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I would like to point out that we are grading these from a usefulness stanpoint. Any race/starsign/ancestry can be good from an aesthetics standpoint, and the fact that so many options exist adds diversity and therefore fun, even if most of them aren't picked very often. It's perfectly acceptable to have 3/4 of the choices weaker than others and simply tweak them later. Underpowered choices don't hurt anything.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 11:28 pm 

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Your ancestry layout is the most balanced out of the three, Celeborn. So I won't bother to grade every single one, rather just kind of go over some things.

Theres only two that from first glance is downright terrible, and that, of course, is Vampyr and Thrall (even if they get a huge enchant bonus, it can't compete with complexities). Construct will be need to be seen first hand before they can be deemed good or not, things like their repairing mechanic would have to be thoroughly examined. The Lycanthrope's abilities will have to be elaborated on, of course.

Dragons and Elementals (including Ooze/Mycanoid) are fairly well balanced now. I would have a hard time picking between the two. Lich is downright awesome now, especially for offensive casters, which is probably what you intended, but not overpoweringly so.

Angelic and Demonic are now lacking. I would do the same thing to them that you did to the Lich. Just give them +8% in every complexity that they don't get +15% in. While they would still probably be technically worse than lich even with these, the fact that they get +15% to specific complexities that the lich doesn't get, balances this nicely.

Mindflayer is alright compared to the Elementals and Dragons.

Edit: Thinking more, maybe bump the Mindflayer overall up to +9%? That would make the choice tougher for me (thus more freedom?).

And I forgot to mention mundane. Perhaps a bit too mundane. With all the bonuses everybody else gets, maybe give them a +15% or even +20% experience bonus. All the time everybody else spends delving into their advanced ancestry and mastering it, the regular people just spend...learning!


 Post subject: current racial abilities...
PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 10:52 pm 

Joined: Tue Jan 24, 2006 3:38 am
Posts: 12
I've got a couple quick questions...

1) Dwarves currently have mine prosepcting and the ability to 'mine smell'. I see that Earth Elemental gives the ability to identify minerals on sight, but does that include 'mine smell'? Also, will dwarves (or any other race) innately have this ability? How does the Gold Dragon's ability to detect gems work in relation to mine prospecting?

2) Does the added sight distance on the map from being a Wood Elf apply in the mines?

3) Gnomes currently have high lore (identify items on sight). Will gnomes (or any other race/starsign/ancestry) continue to have access to this ability?


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 4:44 am 

Joined: Tue Oct 04, 2005 3:11 am
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Takun wrote:
hey how about a vampire lycanthrope hybrid for some like you can be born like that or a lycan can be biten be a vamp or a vamp can be biten by a lycan and become the hybrid

Stop watching Underworld.


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PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 3:15 pm 
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i like underworld too takun, but i dont think this is the time or place to bring the movie story line into a game. a vampire and werewolf or lycan should not be able to mix imo


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PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 7:31 pm 

Joined: Mon Sep 20, 2004 10:03 pm
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Vampyr idea: Give them an innate shapeshift that can only be initialized at night. It should last for a long time and the daylight should not dispel the affect. At a high level, this spell should be equivalent to a fully 'fec'ed shapeshift spell with a good deal of durs in it.

Quintos Aelon, Progenitor of the Aelon line


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PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 8:27 pm 
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I like to point out that winged elves should be susceptible to air damage because they depend on the air as they fly. On the other hand, they should have resistance against earthquake damage. This is also true for pixies. Flying creature's weakess should be air since they depend so much on it. Imagine a tiny pixie fighting you during a hurricane or some kind of windstorm. Like the winged elves, they should have resistance on earth damage types.


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