[14-01-2005] Codeport Mining patch: Request for comments

Discussing test findings on the code development port

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Post by Zidane »

Vogar Eol wrote:I personally see nothing wrong enough with the new system to leave the old mine in for any reason. Extensive test ming in the new system has proved bronze is EVERYWHERE and I can fill a port with bronze ore in minutes if I try. Thats a heck of a lot better then the current mine on mainport.

As far as leaving it for quests, why? You can do the same thing saying the quest item is "Somewhere below the mountain range near town X" That effectively could limit the area to about the same size as the old mine.

Why should we restrict resources by terrain on the surface? Just because trees are growing on top doesn't mean there will be certain things deep below. Same for mountains. If the system is not broke, don't fix it.
i think the old mines should be put back in because its not easy to get some upping percents in ingots/gems and we still need to add the % for the world mining
Dr. Zidane of The Forsaken
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Post by Isabelle »

if there is truly a problem with how mining raises, celeborn will address it, old mines will not be coming back in.
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Post by weems »

I think the true problem is that for somebody with no percents citrine, carnelian, jade, or diamond...

The jades and diamonds are EASIER to mine :shock:
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new/old mines ideas

Post by Zidane »

just add rare stuff in the new mine patch and the old mines some else that is rare, this way everyone is happy 8)
Dr. Zidane of The Forsaken
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Post by Jerardo »

Suggested addons regarding copper/bronze:

a) Double or triple the copper amount in the walls... craft demands a great amount of these and the amount is very slow right now getting these.


b) restore the old mine where copper is plentiful on the top floor(copper is only mineral I think is very lacking for the craft demands)


c) increase the ratio quantity of getting copper off the wall

Suggesting changes on pulling minerals:
A stone miner shouldn't be able to pull gems(jade, diamonds, etc) off the wall so easily. This goes the same for gem miner pulling off ores(etc).. the % of pulling different non-skilled minerals (ie stone miner trying to pull gems/ores) would be fair to be decreased. (this is probably a major factor that changes the craft economy already) If this is done.. I also suggest that the ratio for mining all adepted minerals be increased a tad(excluding stone).
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Post by Quintos »

...Maybe it's just me, but there's more than enough bronze. Although it was right before the last patch, I was able to get enough bronze to adept 3 crafts and craft a considerable bit in only a couple hours. This was using a pure shale miner, since the last patch, I do not believe the rarity of bronze has increased at all, meaning there's more than enough right now. The only change is that I would now need to use my bronze miner to get the bronze (but I should technically get it even more quickly.
Quintos Aelon, Progenitor of the Aelon line
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Post by Tuler »

The most copper I get per room is 100, normally I get 30-50. This is really crappy, as I have to mine through a whole room, to get 50 copper, then mine through another room. I also have the problem that my alt is not a tank, and he was taken down by 2 rocs before I could even type "thrust" They hit for 300-350 damage, so 2x 300 is 600, my alt is level 34, and at that level without crafted eq he's not capable of taking these types of mobiles.
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Post by weems »

Bronze is everywhere, and it's extremely easy to mine.
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Post by Kiasyn »

then get crafted eq. money is so abundant these days that it wouldnt even cost you
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Post by Tuler »

The new system is fine. I've been playing about with it and it seems fine. Leave it as is, but I would suggest less pops of chests.
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Post by Kiasyn »

Last edited by Kiasyn on Tue Feb 08, 2005 4:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
Kiasyn Kelle
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Post by Tuler »

Yes well we don't all mine all day and play DL all day. I'm speaking about the bronze and copper.

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Post by Avestifal »

I too am having the problem of a guy with no skill being able to reliably mine an ore that someone with skill in the field has not matched.

I had up to 20% adamantite mining on one character, and he wrecked 8O% of the ada he tried for, whereas my alt got 1 ore at least every time. There's something messed about this.
"I've fallen so far from grace that pain is second nature to me now." ---Avestifal
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