Mud has been upgraded to 2.2.24: Auction House Trials

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Mud has been upgraded to 2.2.24: Auction House Trials

Post by Celeborn »

Auction House Trials

I've added an auction system, accessible at Hero Square in New Tarsonis. Unlike the original system you can have up to 50 auctions running per character at any single time, and auctions run for days. It is still pretty basic, but should allow you to trade worthwhile items more easily with other players.

Code: Select all

6271hp 1287m 1194mv> auction list

Browse which category:

  Nr Category               Auctions 
---- ---------------------- -------- 
 16) container                    10 
 97) armorspikes                   3 
107) mailable                      3 
119) guild_insignia                1 
127) substance                     1 
154) body_armor                    3 
155) gloves                        1 
156) armlet                        1 
159) leg_armor                     1 
161) forehead                      1 
162) temples                       1 
163) earring                       1 
165) mask                          1 
167) bracelet                      2 
168) ring                          2 
169) anklet                        2 

Syntax: auction list <category>

Code: Select all

6271hp 1287m 1194mv> auction list anklet level e240 e260 silk

Auctions (anklet, level e240-e260, keyword silk):

Id     Summary                                                      Level Seller     Last Bid By        Remaining     Buyout 
------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ----- -------- ---------- --------- --------- ---------- 
    6) a runed silk anklet                                          e250  thess            50 -         very long      1,000 
    7) a runed silk anklet                                          e250  thess            50 -         very long      1,000 
Items 1-2 of 2   (see 'help auction_filters' for filtering and sorting)

Code: Select all

6271hp 1287m 1194mv> auction bid 7
Bid must be between 50 and 1000 gold.
6271hp 1287m 1194mv> auction bid 7 250
You bid 250 gold on 7:a runed silk anklet

Code: Select all

6271hp 1287m 1194mv> auction buyout 7
You pay 1,000 gold to buyout 7:a runed silk anklet!
6271hp 1287m 1194mv> 
6271hp 1287m 1194mv> 
A leather postage pouch sealed with a priority seal of 'auction house' winks into existance in front of you.
You quickly grab it from mid-air.

6271hp 1287m 1194mv> open 3.pouch
You break a priority seal of 'auction house' on a leather postage pouch.
You open a leather postage pouch.
From: Auction House
To: Celeborn
Subject: Auction Won

You have won auction 7, a runed silk anklet!
Full helpfiles available. see 'help auction'
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