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Master Craft List

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 2:56 am
by Riina
This is a CURRENT AT THIS TIME list of ALL crafts within the game

Artificer (Alchemy
Artificer (Inventi
Artificer (Tools)
Artificer (Wondrou
Artisan (Figurines
Artisan (Furniture
Artisan (Musical I
Baubler (Anklets)
Baubler (Bindis)
Baubler (Bracelets
Baubler (Earrings)
Baubler (Necklaces
Baubler (Rings)
Baubler (Sheathes)
Baubler (Templas)
Bulwark (Bracers)
Bulwark (Butcher)
Bulwark (Cuirass)
Bulwark (Gauntlets
Bulwark (Greaves)
Bulwark (Helmets)
Bulwark (Pet Armor
Bulwark (Shields)
Costumier (Cloaks)
Costumier (Cobbler
Costumier (Dress)
Costumier (Hatter)
Costumier (Pants)
Costumier (Pets)
Costumier (Robes)
Costumier (Shirts)
Costumier (Skirts)
Costumier (Weaving
Pitter (Mining)
Pitter (Prospecting)
Pitter (Smelting)
Scrounger (Fishing
Scrounger (Foragin
Wroughter (Axes)
Wroughter (Blowgun
Wroughter (Bows)
Wroughter (Clubs)
Wroughter (Crossbo
Wroughter (Daggers
Wroughter (Exotics
Wroughter (Hammers
Wroughter (Maces)
Wroughter (Slings)
Wroughter (Spears)
Wroughter (Staves)
Wroughter (Swords)
Wroughter (Talons)
Wroughter (Whips)

Edit: Added propsecting as per thess' findings

Re: Master Craft List

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 6:49 am
by thess
You forgot Pitter (Prospecting)

Re: Master Craft List

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 3:14 pm
by ShanaArkai
not a buyable one, but yes it is a craft