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Pro-choice vs. Pro-life
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Author:  lingolas [ Fri Feb 03, 2006 3:30 am ]
Post subject:  Pro-choice vs. Pro-life

do you support abortion? and why or why not?

Author:  ShanaArkai [ Fri Feb 03, 2006 4:01 am ]
Post subject: 

only in extream cases, such as... giving birth to the baby has i high risk of killing the mother, but as for cases such as... oops, didnt take my birth control... no i dont, i think it is wrong to take the life of somthing that hasnt had the chance to live yet.

Author:  voska [ Fri Feb 03, 2006 6:14 am ]
Post subject: 

only in extream cases, such as... giving birth to the baby has i high risk of killing the mother, but as for cases such as... oops, didnt take my birth control... no i dont, i think it is wrong to take the life of somthing that hasnt had the chance to live yet.

if its not alive yet, then u arnt taking a life.
obviosly i am pro-choice. i believe its the woman's body, her choice. Abortions are not all bad, what doesnt come to be can end up saving another life via stem cells. Altho i do support abortion, i do not feel it should be abused by someone u constantly 'forgets' to use protection.
Also, i dont think that abortion is alright after the 3rd trimester.

Author:  Zeraphin [ Fri Feb 03, 2006 2:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

Another debate I've already grown tired off.

My quick and short answer:

I don't support abortion. I am pro-choice however. That means I personally am against abortion, but it isn't my place to make that decision for others.

Author:  Chilliwack [ Fri Feb 03, 2006 6:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

i say go for it, as long as its like, within 1 week, no longer...
any time after that, youre a baby murderer :(

Author:  lingolas [ Fri Feb 03, 2006 10:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

how did you come up with 1 week? why not 2 weeks? why not 5 days?

Author:  Gilgolad [ Sat Feb 04, 2006 2:51 am ]
Post subject: 

Pro- Choice is the easy way out nowadays for women who don't want their "mistake". I say make them keep the thing cause guess what? YOU SCREWED UP! (Litterally) Making them have the baby is probably the worst punishment you can give these people, because guess what? Once upon a time YOU HAD NO CHOICE. Why should you deserve one now for the same screw up?

The only way i see abortion as ok is when the baby stands no chance of survival and it jeopordises the mother's life.

Author:  Dourht [ Sat Feb 04, 2006 3:48 am ]
Post subject: 

voska wrote:
only in extream cases, such as... giving birth to the baby has i high risk of killing the mother, but as for cases such as... oops, didnt take my birth control... no i dont, i think it is wrong to take the life of somthing that hasnt had the chance to live yet.

if its not alive yet, then u arnt taking a life.
obviosly i am pro-choice. i believe its the woman's body, her choice. Abortions are not all bad, what doesnt come to be can end up saving another life via stem cells. Altho i do support abortion, i do not feel it should be abused by someone u constantly 'forgets' to use protection.
Also, i dont think that abortion is alright after the 3rd trimester.

Actually the baby is alive. Life is created right at conception, so you are killing the baby. I do not support abortion at all, i believe it to be wrong and a very stupid choice. If you dont want the baby, let someone adopt it.

Author:  Kiasyn [ Sat Feb 04, 2006 6:35 am ]
Post subject: 

Gilgolad wrote:
Pro- Choice is the easy way out nowadays for women who don't want their "mistake". I say make them keep the thing cause guess what? YOU SCREWED UP! (Litterally) Making them have the baby is probably the worst punishment you can give these people, because guess what? Once upon a time YOU HAD NO CHOICE. Why should you deserve one now for the same screw up?

Then you're also punishing the baby by putting them in a family that hates them.

Author:  malkier [ Sat Feb 04, 2006 10:14 am ]
Post subject: 

I haven't got extremely strong feelings either way yet, i don't know anyone who has ever had to make this choice

atm, i am pro-life (abortion shouldn't be some (relatively) easy way out for an irresponsible woman) EXCEPT in the case of jeopardy to the mother's life, or if the mother was raped. But i guess it's different for every woman, depending on their circumstances. Abortion leaves its own emotional scars.

Author:  Gilgolad [ Sat Feb 04, 2006 4:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Kiasyn wrote:
Gilgolad wrote:
Pro- Choice is the easy way out nowadays for women who don't want their "mistake". I say make them keep the thing cause guess what? YOU SCREWED UP! (Litterally) Making them have the baby is probably the worst punishment you can give these people, because guess what? Once upon a time YOU HAD NO CHOICE. Why should you deserve one now for the same screw up?

Then you're also punishing the baby by putting them in a family that hates them.

I see your point. I should have mentioned that the unwanted children should be put up for adoption, not just killed. Another problem in the States is that people are constantly adopting children from other places in the world, when we've got tons right here! Get the ones that have the "Made in the USA" first!!!!!

Author:  lingolas [ Sat Feb 04, 2006 5:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

ok so the mother screwed up. but what if she was raped?

Author:  Kiasyn [ Sat Feb 04, 2006 7:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

Gilgolad wrote:
Kiasyn wrote:
Gilgolad wrote:
Pro- Choice is the easy way out nowadays for women who don't want their "mistake". I say make them keep the thing cause guess what? YOU SCREWED UP! (Litterally) Making them have the baby is probably the worst punishment you can give these people, because guess what? Once upon a time YOU HAD NO CHOICE. Why should you deserve one now for the same screw up?

Then you're also punishing the baby by putting them in a family that hates them.

I see your point. I should have mentioned that the unwanted children should be put up for adoption, not just killed. Another problem in the States is that people are constantly adopting children from other places in the world, when we've got tons right here! Get the ones that have the "Made in the USA" first!!!!!

People get murder sentences for killing unwanted children.

Author:  Gilgolad [ Sun Feb 05, 2006 2:43 am ]
Post subject: 

lingolas wrote:
ok so the mother screwed up. but what if she was raped?

I suppose then she's stuck with it. More often than not though, these children are given up for adoption.

Author:  Chilliwack [ Sun Feb 05, 2006 8:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

lingolas wrote:
how did you come up with 1 week? why not 2 weeks? why not 5 days?

i dont have an explanation, but my general thinking here is before the heart starts growing, like, before its a baby in you, not just a few pieces of flesh

Author:  Isabelle [ Mon Feb 06, 2006 12:13 am ]
Post subject: 

lingolas is a troll in the mud, and a troll on the forums, interesting..

but, i will willingly bite into his little fish hook, and give my 2 cents worth -

people who give out arbitrary responses to answers obviously have either a) not bothered considering all the facts or b) could care less about anything other than their own misguided beliefs

most laws already have special rules for when someone is raped, and for when someone may be seriously hurt by having a baby.

In those two cases, nobody should /ever/ criticize someone for having an abortion.

When it's for other reasons, i personally support a mothers right to decide.

It might not be right, do i like the idea of millions of aborted babies because stupid, idiotic people are too damned irresponsible to bother using birth control? Nope, i don't. But having a million unwanted children is not the answer to punish people for being stupid.

Society needs to get smarter, check out ethiopian countries, where AIDS is like 1 in 5 people, and they do not stop screwing even for a second.
Their society believes that they must procreate to save their culture from dying out, and that it is their moral duty to procreate.

So i say, smarten up you dumba$$ kids, use birthcontrol for a damn change, and we wouldn't be having this conversation.

And for you psychopathic catholic freaks that crap down peoples throats when they mention things like condoms, or birth control, i think you should be boiled in hot lava.

thank you

Author:  lingolas [ Mon Feb 06, 2006 4:05 am ]
Post subject: 

lingolas is a troll in the mud, and a troll on the forums, interesting..

Izzy, that's because I AM a troll. :evil:

And for you psychopathic catholic freaks that crap down peoples throats when they mention things like condoms, or birth control, i think you should be boiled in hot lava.

If anyone that's Catholic stay away from izzy, I think she bites, and oh, don't forget to pray for her. :wink:


My view on Abortion

I am neither a republican nor am I a Christian. I often have conflicting opinions when it comes to politics ranging from education, social issues and scientific ethics with most elephant fans. Despite my liberal views on many things, when it comes to the issue of abortion, I recognize that life should be preserved. It is undisputable that life is the most beautiful and important aspect of all living things. To condone the destruction of a life for whatever the inconviency it may cause has nothing to do with morality, since morality is idiosyncratic; however, it is evidence of society's irresponsibility and disrespect for humanity.

Even in the case of rape, I do not think it is an appropriate reason to terminate another life. Bad things happen to good people; that is a fact of life. We can either choose to make the best out of misfortune and cope with it or we can find an escape goat to so that we can feel better about ourself. When a mother chooses to slaughter her child through abortion, she is channeling her misfortune, sadness, and anger toward an innocent human being. It is not justify for the child to pay the price for a mistake that was commited by the father.

My solution to this is dilemma is adoption. If the mother does not want to keep her child because she was raped or unable to provide adequately for the child, she MUST give up her child and hand that child over to the adoption agency. This way, the mother is no longer burden with an unwanted child and at the same time, that innocent child is protected.

Author:  ShanaArkai [ Mon Feb 06, 2006 6:34 am ]
Post subject: 

I agree lingo, but what about in the case of the mother being possibly hurt or killed because of child birth, complications happen, what is your view on that?

Author:  Gilgolad [ Mon Feb 06, 2006 4:41 pm ]
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Isabelle wrote:
i think you should be boiled in hot lava.

Hoorah :twisted:

Author:  lingolas [ Mon Feb 06, 2006 5:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

I agree lingo, but what about in the case of the mother being possibly hurt or killed because of child birth, complications happen, what is your view on that?

I'm glad that you ask.
Should doctors determine that the act of giving birth and or the durration of pregnacy put the life of the carrier at high risk then it is appropriate to have an abortion. There is absolutely no point in destroying a life to preserve another life.

Author:  Arureal [ Tue Feb 28, 2006 5:18 am ]
Post subject: 

I support abortion on the grounds that this country (U.S.A.) was founded on the concept of personal freedom, however I personaly am not comfortable with it.

First let me give credit to the 3 best posts on this topic, there is little that I can add to them.
1. Zeraphin Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 2:06 pm
2. Isabelle Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 12:13 am
3. Lingolas Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 4:05 am
As for when life begins, I would say that it begins the moment the human genom is created, but the mother supports that life, so the decision rests with her alone. When complcations arise and a choice between the mother's life and the childs must be made, save the mother. Next a short story, and a parting thought.

My aunt was only 2 years older than me. As a young girl she was raped by a gang and got pregnant. Her parents decieded to have her get an abortion because of it. There were complactions from the operation, and as a result she could not ever have children again. This experience haunted her for the rest of her life, till she died of alcholism.

Take Isabelle's advice and try not to get pregnant. If it happens anyway, think carefully and look at your options, and do what you think is right. Do not let others make or presure your decision cause you are the one who must live with it, not them.

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